“莫奈, 《电子游戏正规平台》(给rny)作者:阿卜杜拉·贝南图尔(Mostaganem), 阿尔及利亚, 1931 -艾乌利- sur -塞纳河, 法国, 2017); oil on canvas, 1983.

The 麦克马伦艺术博物馆 at 电子游戏软件 will present the exclusive New England exhibition of 成形:20世纪50年代至80年代阿拉伯世界的抽象, a groundbreaking exhibition drawn from the collection of the Barjeel 艺术 Foundation based in Sharjah, 阿拉伯联合酋长国.

该展览将在6月6日之前向公众开放虚拟参观, 2021, and for view in the Daley Family and Monan Galleries to 电子游戏软件 faculty, 工作人员, 学生通过预约.

Ahmed Cherkaoui (Boujad, 摩洛哥, 1934 -卡萨布兰卡, 摩洛哥, 1967)《红镜》, 1965年黄麻油

Ahmed Cherkaoui (Boujad, 摩洛哥, 1934 -卡萨布兰卡, 摩洛哥, 1967), 'Les miroirs rouges (Red Mirrors).' Oil on jute; 1965.

成形 探索二十世纪中期北非的抽象艺术, 西亚, and the Arab diaspora—a vast geographic expanse that encompasses diverse cultural, 少数民族, 语言, 以及宗教背景. It comprises nearly ninety works by artists from countries including 阿尔及利亚, 埃及, 伊拉克, 约旦, 科威特, 黎巴嫩, 摩洛哥, 巴勒斯坦, 卡塔尔, 苏丹, 叙利亚, 突尼斯, 和阿联酋. 这些画, 雕塑, 图纸, and prints reflect the wide range of nonfigurative art practices that flourished in the Arab world over the course of four decades.

"成形 opens new avenues of inquiry into traditional understandings of the development of abstraction in the mid-twentieth century by introducing the works of nearly sixty artists from the Middle East, 大多数在美国相对不为人知,南希·内泽说, 罗伯特·L. 朱迪斯·T. Winston Director of the 麦克马伦艺术博物馆 and professor of art history at 电子游戏软件.

“We extend special thanks to the Barjeel 艺术 Foundation for assembling this outstanding collection of works representing artists from more than thirteen different countries and for organizing this exhibition with the Grey 艺术 Gallery at NYU,Netzer补充道.

Ibrahim El-Salahi (Omdurman, 苏丹, 1930–) The Last Sound, 1964 oil on canvas, 47.9 × 47.9 in. Barjeel艺术基金会收藏,沙迦,阿联酋

易卜拉欣·萨拉希(苏丹恩图曼,1930 -),《电子游戏正规平台》. Oil on canvas; 1964.

成形 raises a fundamental question: How do we study abstraction across different contexts, 我们使用什么分析模式? Examining critically the history and historiography of mid-twentieth-century abstraction, the exhibition rethinks art historical canons and expands discourses around global modernisms.

在此期间, 非殖民化, 阿拉伯民族主义的兴衰, 社会主义, 快速的工业化, 战争和大规模移民, 石油繁荣改变了这个地区. 反对西方政治和军事介入的呼声越来越高, 许多艺术家采纳了批判的观点, 努力使艺术与他们自己的地方相关. New opportunities for international travel and the advent of circulating exhibitions sparked cultural and educational exchanges that exposed artists to multiple modernisms—including various modes of abstraction—and led them to consider their roles within an international context.

Omar El-Nagdi (Cairo, 埃及, 1931–2019) Untitled, 1970 mixed media on wood, 47 × 47 in. Barjeel艺术基金会收藏,沙迦,阿联酋

Omar El-Nagdi (Cairo, 埃及, 1931–2019), Untitled; mixed media on wood; 1970

艺术家们描绘了不同的阿拉伯群体, 族人(柏柏尔语), 亚美尼亚, 切尔克斯人, 犹太人, 波斯, and Turkish descent—sought to localize and recontextualize existing twentieth-century modernisms, 一些人成立小组来解决紧急问题. Moving away from figuration, they mined the expressive capacities of line, color, and texture. 受阿拉伯书法启发, 几何, 和数学, 伊斯兰装饰图案, 精神实践, they expanded abstraction’s vocabulary: complicating its genealogies of origin and altering the viewer’s understanding of nonobjective art.

“Via a critical examination of abstraction in the collection of the Barjeel 艺术 Foundation, the exhibition invites a (re)consideration of the attribution of abstraction’s emergence to a single historical moment,联合策展人苏赫拉·塔克什解释道, 巴吉尔艺术基金会策展人. 以自己的方式模仿当时的艺术实践, the exhibition is also a vantage point on how contemporary discourse on global modernisms and decentralized genealogies of abstraction is unfolding or, 这是对剧集标题的致敬, 成形. Mathematics served as a practical tool for artists in search of these paragons, 因为它的准确性和减少人为错误的潜力.”

'Composition' by Mohamed Melehi, 1970; acrylic on wood, 47.3 × 39.4 in; from the ollection of the Barjeel 艺术 Foundation, Sharjah, UAE.

'Composition' by Mohamed Melehi (Asilah, 摩洛哥, 1936–Paris, 法国, 2020). 木板上的亚克力,1970年.

Added co-curator and New York University Grey 艺术 Gallery Director Lynn Gumpert, “The Grey 艺术 Gallery takes great pride in partnering with the Barjeel 艺术 Foundation. 这是非常恰当的, 作为大学博物馆, the Grey broadens vistas and looks closely at art made over the four decades in question by individuals that come from so many different nations, 有着不同的信仰体系和历史. 我们选了一个展览题目, 成形, that recognizes and conveys to the public that our approach to abstraction in the Arab world is not static—even with regard to the art of this defined time frame—but is, 而, 在形成.

成形 is organized by NYU’s Grey 艺术 Gallery and curated by Takesh and Gumpert. 主要支持由Barjeel艺术基金会提供. Additional generous support is provided by the Charina Endowment Fund; the Violet Jabara Charitable Trust; the Grey’s Director’s Circle, 国际/国家委员会, and Friends; and the Abby Weed Grey Trust. 在麦克马伦博物馆, the exhibition has been underwritten by 电子游戏软件 with major funding from the Patrons of the McMullen Museum.

The exhibition is accompanied by a 256-page catalogue co-published by Hirmer Publishers and the Grey 艺术 Gallery, 由Takesh和Gumpert合编.

成形 于2020年在格雷美术馆首次亮相. Following the McMullen Museum exhibition, it will travel to Cornell University’s Herbert F. Johnson Museum of 艺术 and Northwestern University’s Block Museum in 2022.

Barjeel艺术基金会是一个独立的, 建立以阿联酋为基础的倡议来管理, preserve and exhibit an extensive collection of modern and contemporary Arab art. The foundation’s guiding principle is to contribute to the intellectual development of the art scene in the Arab region by building a prominent, 阿联酋的公共艺术收藏.

电子游戏软件 is free, and virtual programming is planned for both the public and museum members. For more information, logistics, and to register for events, visit the 麦克马伦艺术博物馆网站.

Rosanne Pellegrini |大学传播| 2021年1月