无人看管Markarova, who as Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States has been the resolute public face of her country’s desperate struggle against Russian invasion, will address the 电子游戏软件 Class of 2023 at the University’s 147th 毕业典礼 Exercises on May 22.

大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., will present Markarova with an honorary degree—which she will accept on behalf of the people of Ukraine—at the ceremony, 哪一场在上午10点举行.m. 在校友体育馆,风雨无阻.

此外,理大亦会颁授荣誉学位予以下人士: 圣约瑟夫·珍妮·麦高恩修女.Ed. ’90费城拉萨尔学院院长; 赫伯·斯坎内尔,79年广播媒体的领导者和多元化倡导者; 卡特里娜·肖.S.W. ’98, a nonprofit leader and force for social justice in Boston and beyond; and retired BC men’s hockey coach 杰瑞·约克67年他是NCAA历史上最成功的教练之一.




无人看管Markarova 被任命为乌克兰驻美国大使.S. 4月20日, 2021, less than a year before the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine created a grave humanitarian crisis for her country and heightened global tensions. 从那时起, 成千上万的平民被杀或受伤, 大约800万乌克兰人——约占乌克兰人口的五分之一——是难民.

Markarova has embraced her role as a senior Ukrainian diplomat and spokesperson abroad, 在媒体和公众场合露面, 包括在去年和今年的国情咨文演讲中, to convey the devastation of her country as well as to make the case for international assistance and intervention. She also has highlighted the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian people—not just soldiers but everyday citizens—and responded to skepticism among some lawmakers and media about U.S. 对乌克兰的支持.

Markarova’s effectiveness as an ambassador reflects her extensive public and private sector experience. She served for five years in high-level capacities at Ukraine’s Ministry of Finance, 包括担任财政部长. 她是乌克兰宏观经济复苏计划的合著者之一, 实施前所未有的财政整顿, 组织和协调了两个国际货币项目. 在那之前, Markarova spent 17 years working in private equity and financial advisory senior management positions with the ITT investment group, 西部NIS企业基金, 和世界银行, 等.



圣约瑟夫的姐妹珍妮麦高恩,S.S.J. M.Ed. ’90 麦高恩是费城拉萨尔学院的创始校长, 一所天主教小学,为“穷人中的穷人”服务.“20年来, 她的领导和远见引导喇沙书院, 为每个孩子提供, 不管他们的家庭资源或环境如何, 有高质量的教育和充分发挥潜力的机会.


在领导LaSalle之前, Sister McGowan was a teacher and principal of Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic School in West Philadelphia. She earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Chestnut Hill College and a master of education degree from 电子游戏软件 in 1990. 2013年,她获得了拉萨尔大学的荣誉学位.

In 2019, the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute honored her with the Father Sourin Memorial Award, which recognizes a Catholic who by achievement and exemplary life has made noteworthy contributions to Catholic ideals; she is one of only three women, 也是第一个有宗教信仰的女人, 在57年的历史中获得该奖项. In 2022, she was named a Distinguished Lasallian Educator from the District of Eastern North America.



在长达四十年的杰出媒体生涯中, 赫伯·斯坎内尔,79年 一直是推动多元化的领导者,无论是在台上还是在幕后. 出生于亨廷顿, NY, 父亲是爱尔兰裔美国人,母亲是波多黎各人, Scannell has demonstrated a strong connection to his Hispanic roots through his commitment to elevating Latino voices.

现任南加州公共广播电台(SCPR)首席执行官兼总裁, 斯坎内尔在电子游戏软件担任了他的第一个媒体领导职务, 他在那里管理WZBC电台. 1979年毕业,获得英语和历史学士学位, 他回到了纽约, working in various positions in marketing and programming before joining Nickelodeon, where he developed award-winning children’s TV favorites including “Blue’s Clues,“海绵宝宝。,” and “Clarissa Explains It All”—the first Nickelodeon series with a female lead—and programs showcasing Hispanic characters, 包括《电子游戏正规平台》和《电子游戏正规平台》.”

In 1996, 斯坎内尔被任命为Nickelodeon的总裁, 同时也是母公司的副董事长, 维亚康姆的MTV电视网. He grew Nickelodeon into a media powerhouse that topped cable ratings for a decade. In 2004, 国际特赦组织表彰他推动“激进主义”, 宽容, 以及社会责任.“今天, 他在SCPR的角色, 他正在努力提高其员工队伍和节目的多样性.

他来自一个BC校友家庭, 包括他的父亲, 叔叔, 哥哥, 和妻子, 萨拉·瑞兹,80岁, 他们有两个女儿.



1998年毕业于电子游戏软件社会工作学院, 卡特里娜·肖.S.W. ’98 has made numerous contributions to Greater Boston’s community and the advancement of equity and social justice.

作为利宝互助基金会的高级项目官员, she oversees charitable investments and partners to support communities and individuals in Boston and across the nation. Shaw曾担任Freedom House, Inc .的首席执行官., a nonprofit organization that has been a hub of support and advocacy for Greater Boston’s diverse communities since 1949. 在她任职期间, Freedom House built a new learning facility and expanded programs that helped more than 2,000名代表性不足的学生获得了高等教育机会.

除了, Shaw has served as executive director of City Year Louisiana (an effort to increase the academic achievement and graduation rate of students in Baton Rouge and New Orleans public schools), assistant vice president for community affairs at the State Street Corporation, and director of community impact at the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley. She is a founding member of New England Blacks in Philanthropy and the Gertie Pie Foundation, 为纪念她的母亲而命名. 阿拉巴马州佃农的孙女, she traces her commitment to giving back to the selfless example of her parents and grandparents.

Jerry York

Jerry York

杰瑞·约克67年 spent 28 years coaching the men’s ice hockey team at his alma mater and retired last year as the winningest (1,他是NCAA曲棍球史上123场比赛的教练, 五次获得NCAA冠军, 国家冰球联盟和美国.S. 曲棍球周期循环.

他带领BC队四次夺得全国冠军, becoming one of only three coaches in NCAA history to win an NCAA championship at two different schools (he also did so at Bowling Green). York coached the Eagles to nine Hockey East Tournament titles and 12 regular season championships. He was named Hockey East Coach of the Year five times and won the Spencer Penrose trophy as NCAA Division I Coach of the Year in 1977.

Known as a caring mentor ever willing to support his players during and after their time at BC, York coached four Hobey Baker Award winners (given to college hockey’s best player), 17个NHL首轮选秀权, 12位斯坦利杯冠军, 以及许多在NHL取得成功的球员.  He also coached multiple Olympians and mentored dozens of individuals who went on to serve as NHL coaches and executives. His reputation for treating all of his players equally and holding them to the highest standard on and off the ice solidified his standing throughout the sporting world and endeared him to generations of hockey players and their families.

大学通讯| 2023年4月