Photos by John Quackenbos

Former 电子游戏软件 baseball captain 皮特兄弟会 ’07, 他与ALS的英勇斗争启发了冰桶挑战,为ALS电子游戏正规平台筹集了超过2.2亿美元的资金, died December 9 at his home in Beverly. 他34岁.

Mr. 2012年,27岁的弗雷茨被诊断出患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(als). The grim revelation closed the door on his life as a baseball player, 但它开启了另一个, 他和他的家人成为决心与神经退行性疾病作斗争的象征.



Mr. 兄弟会' story had an unmistakable BC dimension. 他的父母约翰和南希,妹妹詹妮弗和妻子朱莉都是校友. He and Julie, like his parents, met while students at 电子游戏软件. Mr. 兄弟会 enjoyed an accomplished career as an outfielder for the Eagles, setting a modern BC record with eight RBIs in one game. Head coach Mike Gambino ‘99 hired Mr. 兄弟会 as BC’s director of baseball operations in 2012, 他提供了建议, 支持, 尽管疾病的发展使他无法随队旅行,但他仍然激励着老鹰队的球员. He created a special “Mentor Night,” when former players speak to current Eagles about life after baseball.

"皮特兄弟会 possessed the characteristics we hold dear as a university—courage, 完整性, 无私, and a commitment to helping others," said 电子游戏软件 spokesman Jack Dunn. “他接受了自己的疾病,并将生命的剩余岁月奉献给了提高人们对ALS的认识,并帮助筹集治疗资金. He is a role model for all BC students and a beloved figure on our campus.

哈林顿田径村的皮特·弗雷茨棒垒球中心将成为他不朽遗产的见证. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the 兄弟会 family, 他们对皮特和ALS电子游戏正规平台事业的热爱激励着我们,邓恩说.

“There is no one that embodied the spirit of 电子游戏软件 more than 皮特兄弟会,马丁·贾蒙说, BC的威廉五世. Campbell Director of 体育运动. “皮特的影响不仅在我们的校园,而且在全国范围内,他为提高人们对ALS的认识所做的努力将被永远铭记. 他是一个很特别的人,他把自己的生活过得很充实,我很高兴我能有幸和他共度时光. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and 朋友.”

BC Baseball Eagles with 皮特兄弟会

BC Baseball Eagles with 皮特兄弟会.

Interviewed by 电子游戏软件's student newspaper, 的高度,  almost a year after his ALS diagnosis, Mr. 弗雷茨说,他作为倡导者的角色“给了我每天起床的另一个理由”. Being part of something bigger than yourself is one of the best things you can do.”

In the summer of 2014, Mr. “渐冻人症冰桶挑战”成为了一种全球现象,也是历史上最著名的社交媒体活动之一. 好几个星期, 世界各地的人们纷纷上传视频和照片,展示他们将一桶桶冰水倒在自己头上, and challenging 朋友 and relatives to do the same, while urging donations to 支持 ALS research.


The third annual ALS game, in 2014.

Mr. 冰桶挑战并不是弗雷茨发明的:它的起源涉及其他几项慈善活动和长期传统的融合,比如北极熊跳水. Mr. 兄弟会, 然而, became involved in mid-July of that year, inspired by a friend and fellow ALS patient, Pat Quinn. He put the call out through Facebook to family members, 朋友, 以及包括新英格兰爱国者队球星汤姆·布雷迪和朱利安·埃德尔曼在内的众多熟人和祝福者, Red Sox owner John Henry, and BC alumni husband-wife athletic duo Matt and Sarah Ryan. Other high-profile personalities—ranging from George W. 布什、比尔·盖茨、Lady Gaga和青蛙克米特都加入了这场运动,声势越来越大. The TV game show “Jeopardy!” even used the Ice Bucket Challenge as one of its answers.

皮特兄弟会 took an Ice Bucket Challenge dousing himself in 2014, choosing center field at Fenway Park for the action. In 2017, 他把水桶和他的太阳镜捐给了国家棒球名人堂博物馆.

皮特兄弟会 took an Ice Bucket Challenge dousing himself in 2014, choosing center field at Fenway Park for the action. In 2017, 他把水桶和他的太阳镜捐给了国家棒球名人堂博物馆.

“Something miraculous is happening,他父亲说。, 约翰兄弟会, said as the challenge became a social meme, “这一切之所以发生,部分原因是皮特愿意把自己放在那里,愿意分享他的故事. When the face of ALS is a handsome, 年轻的, 有魅力的, former Division I baseball player, 这个国家甚至全世界都在意识到这种使人衰弱的疾病没有治疗方法是不可接受的.”

The ALS Association reported that it had received more than $100 million in donations for one month alone during the height of the Ice Bucket Challenge; altogether, the campaign was credited with raising more than $220 million. Almost three years later, in the spring of 2017, the U.S. 美国食品和药物管理局宣布批准一种减缓ALS影响的药物.

《电子游戏正规平台》 选择先生. 兄弟会 for its 2014 Inspiration of the Year Award, and in 2015 ESPN SportsCenter broadcast a segment about Mr. 兄弟会’ first Father’s Day as a dad—he and Julie had welcomed their daughter, 露西, in August of the previous year.



Mr. 弗拉茨从NCAA主席马克·埃默特那里获得了2017年全国大学体育协会鼓舞奖. “你们能够激励这么多人支持这项事业,这是具有纪念意义的. 事实上,这是鼓舞人心的,”埃默特在弗拉蒂夫妇位于贝弗利的家中颁奖时说. He also was chosen as the 2015 Communicator of the Year by 公关周.

2017年6月,Mr. 兄弟会 donated the bucket and sunglasses used for his Ice Bucket Challenge, along with a cap and glove from his BC days, to the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s museum collection. 名人堂副主席乔恩·舍斯塔科夫斯基赞扬了“皮特在对抗这种疾病方面所做的巨大工作, and the bad news and the tough luck of what’s happened in his life, and turned it into such a positive.”

When the Eagles visited the Hall in the fall of 2017, the 兄弟会 family presented one of the few remaining baseballs autographed by Mr. 兄弟会. 它将被包括在“ALS和棒球”展览中,该展览于2018年4月开幕. 兄弟会, Lou Gehrig, and Catfish Hunter.

2017年,一群人聚集在市政厅广场,波士顿市长马蒂·沃尔什(Marty Walsh)宣布9月11日为9月11日. 皮特·弗雷茨节.'

2017年,一群人聚集在市政厅广场,波士顿市长马蒂·沃尔什(Marty Walsh)宣布9月11日为9月11日. 皮特·弗雷茨节.'

9月, 当波士顿市长马蒂·沃尔什宣布9月5日为“皮特·弗雷茨日”时,市政厅广场上挤满了人群.”  The event coincided with the release of a book about 兄弟会' life, The Ice Bucket Challenge: 皮特兄弟会 and the Fight against ALS, written by Casey Sherman and BC alumnus Dave Wedge. Half of the authors' proceeds from sales of the book go to the 兄弟会 family.

BC Baseball organized numerous events to honor Mr. 兄弟会 and build on his efforts to promote ALS awareness and research, including annual Ice Bucket Challenges; wearing specially designed jerseys with 兄弟会’ last name and number 3 (which he wore as a player) that were later auctioned to benefit his No. 3 Fund; and, since 2012, hosting an annual ALS Awareness Game. 兄弟会’ jersey was retired at the 2016 game. 2017年和2018年, the Eagles played the annual event at Fenway Park, raising funds for ALS through ticket sales.

<a href=''>电子游戏软件</a> held a ceremony to retire 皮特兄弟会' No. 3 jersey before the fifth annual ALS Awareness Game in 2016.

电子游戏软件 held a ceremony to retire 皮特兄弟会' No. 3 jersey before the fifth annual ALS Awareness Game in 2016.

In 2019, 电子游戏软件 honored Mr. 将哈林顿田径村的第二期命名为皮特·弗雷茨中心. 该设施, which will open in the summer of 2020,  将提供一个31,000-square foot indoor baseball and softball facility featuring locker rooms, 打隧道, 室内草皮场地, strength and conditioning space, 还有一个接待区.

Mr. 弗雷茨的家人继续帮助他传播关于肌萎缩侧索硬化症的信息:他的兄弟安德鲁代表皮特参加了2017年波士顿马拉松比赛, while Nancy and John have made various public appearances, 近年来,他在媒体上谈到渐冻症对家庭的经济影响. 肌萎缩侧索硬化症协会(ALS Association)与其马萨诸塞州分会合作,在马塞诸塞州建立了一个试点项目. 兄弟会’ name to provide in-home caregiving assistance for people living with ALS.

In announcing his death, the 兄弟会 family described Mr. 他激励着全世界从他的勇气和韧性中汲取力量的人们.

“A natural born leader and the ultimate teammate, Pete was a role model for all, especially 年轻的 athletes, 谁敬仰他面对逆境时的勇敢和坚定不移的积极精神. 他是一位崇高的战士,激励我们所有人利用自己的才能和力量为他人服务...我们请求你们为皮特喝彩,为他的希望喝彩,因为他每天都遵循自己的座右铭:要充满激情, 是真实的, 努力工作, and don’t ever be afraid to be great.”

A funeral Mass will be held at St. 伊格内修斯教堂 在马萨诸塞州栗山市. on Friday, December 13, at 11 a.m.

University Communications