教师 Directory

Jeffrey Cohen





Dr. 杰弗里·科恩的主要电子游戏正规平台方向是公司治理领域, auditor independence, 企业社会责任,会计和商业道德. 他的工作是基于行为的控制实验,调查和访谈. Jeff拥有大约35篇LFT(伦敦金融时报)排名的出版物,其中大约20篇是2010年以来的, and he also has close to 6,000 google scholar citations since 2016.

他曾两次获得“审计文学杰出贡献奖”,并两次获得“审计与鉴证教育创新奖”. In 2017, 他被美国会计协会审计部门评为杰出的审计教育家. 他还获得了2019/20年度格伦·麦克劳克林会计伦理电子游戏正规平台奖.

Jeff is a past Senior Editor of 审计: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT). He has previously served as an Editor at 审计: A Journal of Practice and Theory and an Associate Editor at Accounting Horizons and for two terms at Issues in Accounting Education. Jeff is currently an Editor for a second term at Contemporary Accounting Research ().

His teaching interests focus on auditing, management and cost accounting, and strategic cost management.

他认为,作为教育者,我们独特的能力是创造一种不断提出问题的文化. As Tolstoy once wrote, "The only thing that we can know, is that we know nothing and that is the highest flight of reason."

Current Editorial Positions

  • 编辑器: Contemporary Accounting Research