Fall 2021- Spring 2022

 Isabel Wilkerson

Isabel Wilkerson
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
September 8 | 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

A leading figure in narrative nonfiction and a Pulitzer Prize winner, 威尔克森是人类状况的诠释者,也是一个充满激情的声音,他展示了历史如何帮助我们了解自己, our country, and the current era of upheaval. 她是大迁徙的女儿,大迁徙是她在处女作中描写的群众运动, The Warmth of Other Suns, 这本书获得了包括国家图书评论界奖和哈兰非小说类奖在内的奖项.

She will speak on topic of her new book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. “Beyond race, class, or other factors, 强大的种姓制度影响着人们的生活、行为和国家的命运,” according to publisher Penguin Random House

.Cosponsored by the Office of the Provost, the Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics, the Jesuit Institute, BC Law School, and the Boston College Forum on Racial Justice in America.

Beth Lew-Williams

Beth Lew-Williams
“The Chinese Must Go: A History of Anti-Asian Violence”

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

A Princeton University associate professor of history, Lew-Williams’ teaching and research examines race and migration in the United States, specializing in Asian American history. Her book, The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and the Making of the Alien in America,won the Ray Allen Billington Prize and Ellis W. Halley Prize from the Organization of American Historians.

With Endowment for the Humanities support, her next book project, John Doe Chinaman, will consider the policing of Chinese migrants in the American West.

她的演讲主题是“中国人必须走”:1885年美国西部爆发的反华暴力事件. Following the massacre of Chinese miners in Wyoming Territory, more than 165 communities in California and the Pacific Northwest harassed, assaulted, and expelled thousands of Chinese migrants. She will discuss this violence within the broader history of anti-Asian violence, and reflect on the present-day implications, as we confront a new surge of anti-Asian hate crimes amid the pandemic

.Cosponsored by the Asian American Studies Program and the History Department.

 Dina Nayeri

Dina Nayeri:
“The Ungrateful Refugee"

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

Nayeri is the author of The Ungrateful Refugee, a finalist for the 2019 Kirkus Prize and Los Angeles Times Book Prize.

A 2019 Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination Fellow, winner of the 2018 UNESCO City of Literature Paul Engle Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts literature grant, O. Henry Prize, Best American Short Stories, and numerous fellowships, her stories and essays have been published by prominent publications. Her debut novel, A Teaspoon of Earth and Sea, was translated to 14 languages; her second, Refuge, was a New York Times editor’s choice.

Nayeri will read from The Ungrateful Refugee. At age eight, 她与母亲和兄弟逃离伊朗,在获得美国庇护之前住在难民营.S. 她将自己与其他难民和寻求庇护者的生动故事编织在一起, taking readers through the different stages of their journeys.

Cosponsored by the Fiction Days Series and the English Department.

Bryce Pinkham

Bryce Pinkham:

Wednesday, November 3, 2021
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

A 2005 graduate of Boston College, 这位舞台和银幕演员最出名的可能是在百老汇音乐剧《电子游戏正规平台》中扮演蒙蒂·纳瓦罗, which won the Tony Award for best musical. Pinkham's lead performance earned him nominations for both Tony and Grammy awards.

In 2012, Pinkham was awarded the Leonore Annenberg Fellowship, given to “exceptionally talented young dancers, musicians, actors, and visual artists.” Also that year, Pinkham and a fellow actor founded Zara Aina, 一个非营利性组织,致力于通过戏剧表演和讲故事来帮助处境危险的儿童扩大他们的成就能力.

Pinkham also participates in the theater company Outside the Wire, which takes performances of Greek tragedy to American-military audiences worldwide, to foster discussion about PTSD and soldier suicide.

Cosponsored by the Theatre Department.

Samuel Moyn

Samuel Moyn:
“Humane: How the U.S. Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War"

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

The Henry R. 耶鲁大学法学院法学教授,耶鲁大学历史学教授, Moyn’s areas of interest in legal scholarship include international law, human rights, the law of war, and legal thought. In intellectual history, 他的电子游戏正规平台课题包括20世纪欧洲道德和政治理论,并撰写了包括 The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History, and edited or co-edited others. 

Of Humane, 麦克米伦写道:“莫恩提出了一个令人不安但又紧迫的问题:如果使战争更加合乎道德的努力只会支撑军事事业,使其更加坚固呢? 这本挑衅性的书认为,这种发展可能根本不代表进步.”

Cosponsored by the International Studies Program and Global Citizens Project.

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Robin Wall Kimmerer:

Wednesday, December 1, 2021
7:00 p.m. 

Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and author of 编结甜草编:本土智慧、科学知识和植物教义. Her first book, Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses, was awarded the John Burroughs Medal for outstanding nature writing, and her other work has appeared in Orion, Whole Terrain, and numerous scientific journals.

She will give a lecture based on Braiding Sweetgrass, of which Milkweed Editions writes: “In a rich braid of reflections, 她转向了一个中心论点:更广泛的生态意识的觉醒需要承认和庆祝我们与其他生物世界的互惠关系.”


Kelly Brown Douglas

Kelly Brown Douglas:
“Resurrection Hope in a Time of Crucifying Black Death"

Wednesday, February 2, 2022
7:00 p.m. | Virtual

凯利·布朗·道格拉斯牧师是联合神学院圣公会神学院的院长, professor of theology at Union College, 同时也是华盛顿国家大教堂的神学家和华尔街三一教堂的常驻神学家. She will speak about her latest book, Resurrection Hope: A Future Where Black Lives Matter, followed by an audience Q&A.

According to publisher Cokesbury, 她儿子的问题,比如“当黑人还在被杀害的时候,我们怎么知道上帝真的在乎呢?? How long do we have to wait for the justice of God?—prompted the theologian to undertake this soul-searching reflection. 她反思了“白人的认知方式”是如何主导美国人的身份认同,甚至塑造基督徒的意识的. The author of other groundbreaking books, her presentation is cosponsored by BC's Theology Department and PULSE Program.

Eli Saslow

Eli Saslow:
“Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist"

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
7:00 p.m. 

普利策奖得主、被称为“美国最伟大的年轻记者之一”的《电子游戏正规平台》记者伊莱·萨斯洛将以他对《电子游戏正规平台》的报道为基础进行演讲. Born out of his Washington Post feature “The White Flight of Derek Black,这本书讲述了曾经的美国白人民族主义运动继承人如何开始质疑他帮助传播的意识形态. Based on extensive interviews, 它探讨了布莱克在2013年给南方贫困法律中心的一封公开信中公开谴责白人民族主义的决定所带来的后果. The award-winning journalist’s forthcoming book, Voices from the Pandemic, is drawn from his ongoing Washington Post oral history project of the same name.

The event is cosponsored by the Journalism and American Studies programs, and the Communication Department.

Claudia Rankine

Claudia Rankine:
“Citizen: An American Lyric"

Wednesday, March 2, 2022
7:00 p.m. 

Claudia Rankine—the author of six collections of poetry—will give a reading from Citizen: An American Lyric, 哪一篇讲述了“在21世纪的日常生活和媒体中不断遭遇的日益严重的种族侵略?,” according to her website. “In essay, image, and poetry, Citizen interrogates the individual and collective effects of racism in our contemporary, often named ‘post-race’ society.” Rankine—Yale University’s Frederick Iseman Professor of Poetry, has won several awards, and also is a playwright and author of anthologies.

Her appearance is cosponsored by the American Studies, African and African Diaspora Studies, and PULSE programs, the English, History, and Sociology departments, with support from an Institute for the Liberal Arts Major Grant Award.

Ruha Benjamin

Ruha Benjamin:
“Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code”

Wednesday, March 24, 2022
7:00 p.m. 

普林斯顿大学非裔美国人电子游戏正规平台教授和Ida B的创始主任. Wells Just Data Lab, Ruha Benjamin’s work investigates the social dimensions of science, medicine, and technology with a focus on the relationship between innovation and inequity, health and justice, knowledge and power.

She will give a lecture based on her book Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. Of the book, 出版商威利写道:“本杰明透过科技行业的炒作,理解新兴技术如何加强白人至上主义,加深社会不平等……提出了‘新吉姆代码’的概念。,“她展示了一系列歧视性设计是如何编码不平等的……”她是众多奖项和奖学金的获得者.


Kevin Barry

Kevin Barry:

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
7:00 p.m. 

Irish author Kevin Barry— who wrote the award-winning novels City of Bohane, Beatlebone, and Night Boat to Tangier, and the story collections Dark Lies the Island and There Are Little Kingdoms—will speak on the topic of place, dialect, and hauntedness in his novels. Also a playwright and screenwriter, his awards include the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, the Goldsmiths Prize, and the Sunday Times EFG Short Story Prize.

本次活动恰逢国际弗兰·奥布莱恩协会第六届双年会议, April 6-9—which Boston College is slated to host—in which Barry will participate.

Ada Limon

Ada Limon:
Poetry Days Presents: "Ada Limón: The Carrying"

Wednesday, April 20, 2022
7:00 p.m. 

Ada Limón is the author of five books of poetry, including The Carrying, 这本书获得了美国国家图书评论协会诗歌奖,并被《电子游戏正规平台》评为2018年度五大诗歌书之一. She will give a reading from the book, which Milkweed Editions calls: “Vulnerable, tender, acute, these are serious poems, brave poems, 诚实地探索青春的狂喜和接受的优雅之间的模糊时刻……Limón向我们展示了, as ever, the persistence of hunger, love, and joy, the dizzying fullness of our too-short lives.”

The award-winning poet is an MFA faculty member of Queens University, and the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. Her appearance is cosponsored by the Poetry Days Series and the English Department.

Martin Parr

Martin Parr:

Wednesday, May 1, 2022
2:00 p.m. 

One of the best-known documentary photographers of his generation, Martin Parr will speak on his groundbreaking career. His appearance coincides with an exhibition of his work, Martin Parr: Time and Place, at the University’s McMullen Museum of Art. Covering nearly a half a century and comprising more than 135 works, this innovative survey is Parr’s first wide-ranging, and most comprehensive, museum exhibition in the United States. 2019年,伦敦国家肖像画廊举办了一场名为“只有人类”的大型展览.parr是阿尔斯特大学的客座摄影教授,他的作品被许多国际领先的博物馆收藏, has published more than 100 books and edited 30.

This event is cosponsored by the McMullen Museum and the Irish Studies program.