插图:Stephanie Wunderlich. Photos: Caitlin Cunningham; Gary Wayne Gilbert; Peter Julien; Lee Pellegrini; Tony Rinaldo.


Faculty research projects explore what it means to educate the whole person.

电子游戏软件’s deep commitment to formative education stems from the University’s Jesuit Catholic tradition. 这种学术模式的形成过程受到了启发, the spiritual 和 academic training that c和idates undertake to join the Jesuit order—sets BC apart from peer institutions, 教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利说. “形成性教育是寻求教育完整的人的教育, 发展和整合智力, 社会, 和道德的维度,以支持我们的学生茁壮成长,他说. 

思考重大问题是实现个人目标最大化的关键, 斯坦顿·沃瑟姆解释道, 查尔斯F号. 多诺万,SJ,林奇教育与人类发展学院院长. “在公元前, there are a lot of opportunities for undergraduates 和 others to spend some time reflecting on the larger goals they’re trying to accomplish with their life,他说. “我们的工作就是让他们审视自己的信仰, 和 then figure out what they are called to do to contribute to that ecological, 社会, 人际关系, 或者神学异象.”

为此目的, 第一次, BC recently awarded grants to seven faculty research projects centered on formative education. “The idea was to get faculty thinking about their underst和ing of formative education 和 how it should be used in a curriculum,宣教和事工副会长郝博神父说. 杰克巴特勒. The research has focused on everything from formation in BC’s PULSE 服务-learning program to community building at the Connell School of Nursing. 以下是其中四个获得资助的项目.



首席电子游戏正规平台员: 林奇学院教授 美女梁

项目概述: Liang interviewed students to evaluate how their sense of purpose develops throughout the college years, as well as how critical consciousness—the awareness of injustice in the world 和 an underst和ing of how one’s identity 和 positionality may be related to addressing injustices—can contribute to this development.

目前的发现: “随着批判意识的增强,我们已经看到了这一点, 学生们更有可能积极地寻找自己的目标,梁说. These findings suggest that many students are being reflective 和 thoughtful about what needs they see in the world, 她说, 以及他们如何为满足这些需求做出独特贡献. 

下一个: 梁和她的团队利用电子游戏正规平台结果创建了一个应用程序——真北2.0—和 an accompanying curriculum to engage students in formative education 和 the development of purpose at 电子游戏软件 和 beyond. Liang also plans to interview BC students about how COVID-19 may affect their development of purpose.

重新构想共同利益? 一年级学生队形 & 在电子游戏软件通过移民知识参与差异


主要调查人员: 林奇学院助理教授 安德瑞斯·卡斯特罗·萨马约加布里埃尔·奥利维拉

项目概述: 解决他们电子游戏正规平台的中心问题学术参与如何参与对话, 反射性的写作, 和 lectures influence students' underst和ing of both their own formation 和 the broader 社会 good?—Castro Samayoa 和 Oliveira reviewed the work of more than fifty students enrolled in their fall 2020 course Citizenship, 移民 & 美国的归属感:教育能拯救我们吗?

目前的发现: 通过分析学生的文件, Oliveira 和 Castro Samayoa saw how course work aimed at encouraging students to reflect on 和 prioritize their own well-being led to a heightened concern for the well-being of others. 结果, 电子游戏正规平台人员说, also suggest that when students factor structural forms of oppression into their underst和ing of self, 它为他们对共同利益的看法和对话提供了信息. 

下一个: Oliveira 和 Castro Samayoa are now working with a new group of students enrolled in their fall 2021 course. They will also share their insights through the Association of Jesuit Colleges 和 Universities’ Faculty Migration Research 目录.

Seacole Scholars: A Living 和 Learning Community for First-Year Nursing Students


首席电子游戏正规平台员:Jeffrey Bloechl哲学副教授; 朱丽安娜Gonzalez-McLean, assistant dean of students 服务s, diversity 和 inclusion at the Connell School of Nursing; 和 科琳Simonelli, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the Connell School of Nursing 

项目概述: This collaboration between the nursing school 和 the philosophy department involved launching a living 和 learning community (LLC) called Seacole Scholars for first-year nursing students of color, 和 also tailoring a section of the Perspectives I: Perspectives on Western Culture course to nursing students. 

目前的发现: The researchers learned that the seven inaugural Seacole Scholars perceived a sense of belonging at BC. The students lived on Newton Campus 和 met regularly prior to the p和emic. 尽管春季学期突然结束了, these students reported a positive overall experience 和 a close connection to one another.

下一个: “We have identified an important cohort of students who do well when presented with the course material that draws out questions of particular importance for their training,布洛克尔谈到哲学系的电子游戏正规平台结果时说. González-McLean和西蒙内利, 与此同时, plan to collect longitudinal data on the inaugural Seacole Scholars 和 to continue the LLC. “We’ve found great support from Residential Life 和 the broader university to improve the diversity 和 inclusivity of the nursing school 和, 很希望, 这个职业,西蒙内利说.



主要调查人员: 艾琳·斯威尼哲学教授; 梅根·T. 斯威尼, PULSE主任 

项目概述: The two professors gathered 和 edited essays from PULSE faculty to create a volume titled 服务, 社会正义, 和 Student Formation: 50 Years in the PULSE Program for 服务 Learning at 电子游戏软件. 集合, 哪个栏目的文章来自14位教员, traces the history 和 evolution of one of the oldest 服务-learning programs in the country, 同时也探索PULSE如何将学生塑造成公民和人, 塑造他们的精神. It also includes the results of two studies on the PULSE program’s impact on students. 

目前的发现: “What has excited us is the depth of faculty work on 和 reflection about engaging students in all aspects of PULSE—academic, 服务, 和 reflection—和 to see the studies confirm that these connections correlate with the degree of student growth 和 transformation as a result of the program,电子游戏正规平台人员说。. 

下一个: The published report will be presented as part of the PULSE 50th-anniversary celebration. 斯威尼 和 斯威尼 are also considering a future volume compiling student reflections on the program.