15年来第一次, 金融是电子游戏软件最受欢迎的专业, 1,360名本科生在2022-2023学年电子游戏软件, 其次是经济学(1),260), which had topped the list annually since 2012-2013—and ahead of finance since 2013-2014.  

Other notable changes in the top 10 popular majors list saw neuroscience (411) rise to ninth place in its fourth year as an undergraduate program, while 心理学 (571) and 沟通 (570) swapped fifth and sixth places from last year.

Biology (883) and 政治科学 (743) retained their positions at, 分别, 第三和第四, 就像2016-2017年以来一样.

Three other perennially popular undergraduate programs round out the top 10:  计算机科学 at seventh (556), 护理排名第八(418), and applied 心理学 and human development at 10th (382)—the latter two having been among BC’s most-enrolled majors since 2011-2012.  

这些和其他数据为大学的9,全日制本科生484人,250 graduate students were compiled during the fall 2022 semester by the Office of Institutional 电子游戏正规平台 and Planning (IR&P) as part of its yearly compendium of facts and figures for administrators, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. Current and past editions of the 电子游戏软件 Fact Book are accessible at yinghuiqibao.com/factbook.

Other reported statistics show the Lynch School of Education and Human Development with the highest number of graduate students (958), 紧随其后的是卡罗尔管理学院(849), 莫里西文理学院(823), BC法学院(813), 卑诗省社会工作学院(633), 伍兹高等教育学院(566), 康奈尔护理学院(341), 神学与事工学院(318).

Financial transactions and trade are based on trust between parties, 这说明了人性的一个基本方面. 在教室里, even as we cover the fundamentals of finance and areas such as corporate finance or investments, 我们也强调道德和做正确的事. 这些话题与最近的金融趋势相吻合, 比如企业社会责任和环境, 社会, 治理投资. So, finance fits in very well with BC’s values of cura personalis.

统计等热门专业, 根据管理人员和教职员工的说法, 提供对兴趣的见解, 动机, 和BC学生的愿望, 以及它们如何随着时间的推移而演变或保持不变. 而个人的立场可能会有所不同,从每年, 目前大多数受欢迎的专业,特别是金融, 经济学 (which includes enrollments from Morrissey College and the Carroll School), 生物学, 政治科学, 沟通, 心理学, and 护理—have been in the top 10 list at least since the 21st century began, 有些则更长.

The data also provide a yardstick for considering BC students’ academic and career interests among wider societal and generational trends. 全国性的本科专业分析随处可见, but at a glance some commonalities emerge: Studies in or related to business, 护理, 心理学, 生物学, 经济学, 计算机科学, 沟通, and 政治科学 tend to be highly enrolled throughout American higher education.

这就是为什么BC的注册数据受益于上下文, say administrators and 教师: The numbers should be viewed through the lens of a major national Jesuit, 天主教大学和它吸引的学生.