当今罗马天主教会最杰出和最有影响力的女性之一, Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, 将会是第一个在即将到来的世界主教会议上有投票权的女性吗, a summit of 250 bishops from around the world.

这位法国修女去年被教皇方济各任命时,正在波士顿大学神学院学习 担任世界宗教会议总秘书处副秘书长. 她于10月返回电子游戏软件,提供了作为该计划一部分正在进行的基础工作的最新情况 Synod on Synodality定于2023年10月举行的第二次会议最近被延长至2024年10月. Her talk, “Becoming a Synodal Church: Issues and Challenges,是由STM的继续教育项目赞助的,该项目以面对面和在线的方式授课.

教宗方济各于2021年正式召开了世界主教会议,他呼吁所有受洗者在变革过程中作为朝圣者一起旅行, led by the Holy Spirit, 建立一个普世教会”——一个倾听的教会,在那里所有人都能有宾至如归的感觉,参与其中,共同承担责任.

Sr. Becquart将会议过程比作通往以马忤斯的旅程, 指的是路加福音中复活的耶稣与门徒同行的一段话. 她说,这次主教会议标志着所有受洗者第一次被天主教会问及他们的想法.

Sister Nathalie Becquart

Nathalie Becquart修女拿着一份新发布的会议报告, "Working Document for the Continental Stage," during her talk in the Heights Room. (Photo by Frank Curran)

Sr. Becquart的讲话恰逢《电子游戏软件》Working Document for the Continental Stage——它综合了从第一阶段开始全球各地提交的所有本地报告, or listening phase, of the synodal process. 这些报告来自100多个主教会议和东方天主教会, 17 dicasteries of the Roman curia, religious superiors, 协会和非专业运动以及直接与秘书处联系的上千个人或团体.

“今天是主教会议的特殊日子,不仅是主教会议的特殊日子,我认为对整个教会也是如此。. Becquart.

Sr. Becquart was a member of the group of religious, clergy, and lay people tasked with creating the working document, 哪些已经以多种语言发行,并将指导会议进程进入下一阶段. STM Associate Professor of the Practice Rafael Luciani, 谁在世界会议总秘书处神学委员会任职, was also part of this group.

The document, said Sr. Becquart,反映了在世界各地,在所有地方教堂里所说的话.

“Listening to all these voices of the People of God, 我们所听见和领受的是,我们明白圣灵是在要求教会“扩大你们的帐棚”,’ a reference to Isaiah 54:2,” said Sr. Becquart, 他补充说,有一个明确的呼吁是“彻底包容所有上帝子民的多样性”, including those who already feel on the margins.”

In introducing Sr. Becquart, STM Dean Michael McCarthy, S.J., 她说,她被任命为副部长被视为天主教会的一个分水岭,表明妇女在教会生活中的作用越来越大.


Sr. Becquart has had direct experience in previous synods, serving as a coordinator of the pre-synod, a speaker, and an observer of the 2018 Synod on Young People. In 2019, Pope Francis appointed Sr. 贝克特是主教会议总秘书处的顾问, ahead of the Synod on the Amazon.

Sr. 贝夸特从她关于青年会议的工作中了解到,年轻的天主教徒对主教会议教会很感兴趣, 但她说,她意识到对主教会议教会的呼吁并不局限于年轻人.

“天主子民的各种成员都呼吁教会实行主教会议,作为一种存在和行动的方式, promoting the participation of all the baptized, of people of goodwill, each according to his age, state of life, and vocation,” said Sr. Becquart.

She acknowledged that though synodality is a call of God, “the journey is really not easy, because it's a process of change and transformation.”

她把那些参与主教会议的人比作助产士的角色,“陪伴教会的新生”, with labor pain, 摆脱教士教会,成为一个主教教会.”

Sr. 贝克特分享说,阅读所有的报告对她来说是一次非常深刻的、个人的、精神上的经历. “通过这个过程,我们感受到上帝的存在. And at the end, we had the experience that the synthesis, those pages, were like holy ground, and we were like Moses with the fire. 这份(工作文件)来自于上帝的一次经历, an experience of Church, 它应该被归还,以帮助人们继续靠近这片圣地.”

来自世界各地的报道中出现了一个主要话题. Becquart, was the question of women. 工作文件指出:“一个关键和紧迫的领域……涉及妇女的作用和她们的职业, rooted in our common baptismal dignity, to participate fully in the life of the Church. 全世界对这一问题的认识和敏感性日益提高. 来自各大洲的呼吁,要求天主教妇女首先被视为受洗和平等的天主子民.”

There was also a strong call, said Sr. Becquart, to foster ecumenism. 教会要面对世界上最重要的问题——生态气候变化, violence, polarization—“we can’t do it alone, 我们必须和其他信仰基督教和其他宗教的兄弟姐妹一起做这件事.”

One of the attendees at Sr. Becquart’s talk, Associate Professor of Theology Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, called her presentation “hopeful.”

“我认为有很多事情值得期待,尤其是对年轻人来说。. Hinsdale. “我教的本科生一直在谈论一些话题, such as climate change, the role of women, and inclusiveness. 在年轻人没有太多希望的时候, this was a promising look at the future.”

Nathalie Becquart修女的演讲将会发布在 STM Encore website in the near future.

凯瑟琳·沙利文|大学传播| 2022年11月