尽管人们觉得考虑美国教师的教育方式很重要,  电子游戏软件教员玛丽莲·科克伦-史密斯说, “他们在如何招聘教师的问题上意见不一, 他们应该如何准备, 以及如何将它们融入教学领域.” 


Cawthorne Professor of Teacher 教育 for Urban Schools 玛丽莲Cochran-Smith (Lee Pellegrini)

Stoking the discord about teacher preparation are “nGSEs”—new graduate schools of education—that offer accredited teacher licensure and master’s degree programs in teaching but are unaffiliated with colleges or universities, 说Cochran-Smith, the 林奇教育与人类发展学院’s Cawthorne Professor of Teacher 教育 for Urban Schools.  

通过斯宾塞基金会的资助, Cochran-Smith and her team of current BC students and alumni investigators examined how teachers are 准备 at nGSEs, 他们创造了一个术语. The results of their three-phase inquiry were recently published in a special, guest-edited issue of 新教育者,一本同行评议的季刊. 

“Some people think these new graduate schools of education are going to reinvent the way we do teacher preparation, 重新定位教师准备,更加注重实践,提高教师素质,科克伦-史密斯说, whose introductory article is drawn from the first phase of research and lays the groundwork for the issue. 另一些人则严厉批评一些ngse采取技术手段, more rigid approach to pedagogy—a strategy critics say will reproduce the kinds of inequities we already have. 我们的目标不是评判它, but to get underneath the rhetoric and controversial claims to see what’s really going on at new graduate schools of education.”

2006 - 2019之间, 在日益拥挤的教师教育组织领域,出现了12家ngse, 有些学校不止一个校区, 每个学校都得到了所在州教育部门的批准. 继电器GSE, 拥有18个校区, is the largest; others include Boston’s Sposato GSE, 圣地亚哥的高科技高中GSE, the MAT program in Earth Science at the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, 和华盛顿, D.C.-based TEACH-NOW GSE, an online-only, for-profit organization recently renamed Moreland University.

电子游戏正规平台人员称, the innovative but controversial relocation of teacher preparation to nGSEs stemmed from multiple converging political and professional trends over the last several decades that “created a climate that was not only amenable to the emergence of teacher preparation at nGSEs, 但也在一定程度上, privileged and supported the expansion and legitimation of teacher preparation at non-university professional schools and other non-university sites.” 

These movements included the common perception that there was an urgent need for change in the ways teachers were recruited, 准备, 评估, and supported; the emergence of a market-driven private sector, coupled and in tension with test-based accountability; the increased influence of private philanthropy; new roles for technology in teacher preparation; the policy consensus that education, 而不是社会政策, could redress inequality; an amplified focus on the importance of practice in teacher preparation; and the increasing involvement of a new cadre of professional educators and educational entrepreneurs.

根据这项电子游戏正规平台, these combined forces resulted in a 30 percent enrollment drop in traditional university teacher preparation over the past five to seven years. 在同一时期,一些ngse的电子游戏软件人数有所增加. 然而, while nGSEs are responsible for the preparation of only a small portion of new teachers each year, they have generated a disproportionate amount of media attention and private and public funding for teacher education.

“There was virtually no research about this new phenomenon that represents a major break from U.S. 在过去50-70年的教师教育中,”科克伦-史密斯说. “我们发现了很多变化,但也有一些共同的特征, such as new funding models coupled with a practice-based approach that breaks from the knowledge traditions and structures of the university.” Teacher preparation at nGSEs is distinct from both university programs and from fast-track entry routes, 哪一种假设认为学习教学主要发生在工作中.

Comprising the New Educator special edition are four case studies drawn from the second phase of research, 全部由林奇学院的前任或现任博士生撰写:莫莉·卡明斯·卡尼, Ph.D. ’19; Elizabeth 斯基夫, Ph.D. ’17; and Andrew F. 米勒,Ph值.D.’17 (a Lynch School assistant professor); Juan Gabriel Sánchez, Ph.D. ’19; and doctoral students Marisa Olivo and Reid Jewett Smith.    The cases reveal that the missions and goals of nGSEs vary considerably based on widely differing ideas about good teaching, 良好教学所需要的知识, 以及支持“从学到教”过程的教学法和实践, 说Cochran-Smith.

Cochran-Smith, 斯基夫, 和朱伊特·史密斯以一篇合著的文章结束了这期特刊, in which they assert    that nGSE leaders tend to frame teacher preparation at their institutions partly in terms of the distinct dissimilarities they see between their programs and university-based teacher preparation programs. These differences serve as their justification for the relocation of teacher preparation to new 非大学机构, although nGSE leaders express diverse perceptions about what is problematic about university preparation.  然而, the research team found stark disparities across nGSE sites in terms of how teacher preparation is conceptualized and enacted.

“一方面, nGSE leaders frame teacher preparation at their institutions in terms of the marked contrasts they perceive between their programs and teacher preparation programs at universities, which serves as one of their principal justifications for the relocation of teacher preparation to new, 非大学机构,电子游戏正规平台人员总结道。. “另一方面, there are stark contrasts within and across nGSE sites in how teacher preparation is conceptualized and enacted, depending primarily upon the interplay of underlying assumptions and values and the larger professional and political purposes to which particular nGSEs are attached.”

Phil Gloudemans |大学传播| 2021年5月