斯坦顿E.F. 华生, the Lynch School of 教育 and Human Development 查尔斯·F. 多诺万,年代.J., 迪安, 多样化的痕迹, dynamic interactions within a changing community as it explores a Mexican migrant community’s two decades of growth in an American town and the complex relationships among the new arrivals and existing residents.

经过11年的实地电子游戏正规平台移民的故事: Diverging Stories in Schools, Churches and Civic Institutions presents the voices and views of three groups of residents—Irish and 意大利 American, 非裔美国人, and Mexican immigrant—through a broad range of personal stories about how migrants are perceived, 不同居民之间的行为和反应, 以及刻板印象和过去经历的影响, 华生说, 这本书的主要作者.

斯坦顿E.F. 华生

斯坦顿E.F. 查尔斯·F·沃萨姆. 多诺万,年代.J.林奇教育与人类发展学院院长

移民的故事 shows how Mexicans’ experiences were shaped by stories about the town’s earlier cycles of migration. 爱尔兰的许多居民, 意大利, and African descent narrated an idealized but partly accurate history in which their ancestors came as migrants and worked hard to succeed, 找工作, 建立家庭, and moving “up and out” of the less desirable downtown neighborhoods.

“我们追查这些故事往往是不准确的, 但却影响了移民生活的现实,沃瑟姆说。. “We all have ways of discussing the complexities in our lives, and we usually oversimplify. What we do is document the complexities that migrants and hosts actually experience in towns like this. We think that is the best place to start if we hope to respond intelligently to the politically-motivated stories that oversimplify migration across the contemporary world.”

移民的故事 offers a compelling study of a community adapting to changing demographics and culture during an election year, when immigration and immigrant communities are among the contested topics discussed by politicians at all levels of government, 华生说.

A linguistic anthropologist and educational ethnographer with a particular expertise in social identification and human interaction, 华生 led a team of 电子游戏正规平台人员 who spent years speaking to residents in the northeast American town, which became home to thousands of Mexican migrants between 1995-2016, 使得墨西哥的人口增长了超过1,000 percent and ended up comprising almost a third of the town.

“我们在这个社区待了很多年, and we wrote this book to document the complexities that migrants and hosts experience and to suggest ways in which policy-makers, 电子游戏正规平台人员, 教育工作者, and communities can respond intelligently to politically motivated stories that oversimplify migration across the contemporary world,沃瑟姆说.

People often break immigration down into simple explanations: It’s people working hard and hoping their kids succeed and building America, 就像经典的移民故事一样. 或者是移民涌入,抢走了所有的工作. Or it’s about racial injustice and how immigrants are discriminated against. What the book tries to do is show that actually all of those things are true, 但没有一个能描述一切.
斯坦顿E.F. 华生, 查尔斯·F. 多诺万,年代.J.林奇教育与人类发展学院院长

华生, 和共同作者Briana Nichols, 凯瑟琳Clonan-Roy, 和凯瑟琳·罗兹, explore how the descendants of earlier migrants interacted with Mexican newcomers, describing how experiences of and stories about migration unfolded across institutional spaces—residential neighborhoods, 政治, 企业, 公共空间, 教堂, 学校, 以及社区组织.

The marriage of a local tradesman to a Mexican woman led to the first immigrants from western Mexico in the 1970s, 华生说. By 1990, that initial cluster had grown to about 100 people, according to the U.S. 人口普查. 1995年至2016年, the Mexican population—now drawing immigrants from central Mexico—would grow to make up one-third of the city’s population, 他补充说.

Among the consequences of this change: After an initial reluctance, Mexican parishioners were welcomed into a Catholic Church congregation, 帮助振兴萎缩的教区. 华生说 the opening of several Mexican restaurants in the city’s downtown helped to overcome existing, 对该地区不安全的错误假设. The arrival of Mexican immigrants sometimes led to tensions with the Black community, at a time when Black residents had become a substantial part of the population and held many government and community leadership roles.

The 电子游戏正规平台人员 observed ongoing changes in prior migrant communities, 以及这些族群与墨西哥人的互动, showing how interethnic relations played a central role in the pathways newcomers traveled upon arrival, 华生说, who throughout his career has conducted research spanning education, 人类学, 语言学, 心理学, 社会学, 和哲学.

这本书丰富地反映了爱尔兰人的心声, 意大利, 非裔美国人和墨西哥人, who collectively tell a story of American immigration and resettlement that allows readers to see beyond the oversimplified claims made about immigration—on both the left and the right—that emerge during political debate.

这项电子游戏正规平台的核心是布莱克的叙述, white and Mexican residents that tell divergent stories about migration, and how these stories help shape the migrants’ experiences in this American town and similar ones throughout the country and around the world, 华生说.

 “People often break immigration down into simple explanations: It’s people working hard and hoping their kids succeed and building America, 就像经典的移民故事一样,沃瑟姆说. “或者是移民涌入并抢走了所有的工作. Or it’s about racial injustice and how immigrants are discriminated against. What the book tries to do is show that actually all of those things are true, 但没有一个能描述一切. As in many towns, t在这里 is a complex, layered history of immigration and interethnic relations.”

这本书可以免费下载 在这里 或者可以在出版商处开放获取 布卢姆斯伯里.

Ed Hawyard |大学传播| 2020年10月