BC paleoclimatologist Jeremy Shakun of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences was among faculty presenters at 推进电子游戏正规平台 and 奖学金的一天 December 5. Shakun是该杂志上一篇新报告的合著者 自然 that provides the first detailed climatological history, dating back 7.500万年前的格陵兰冰原. (摄影:Gary Wayne Gilbert)

其中一个是.S. environmental movement’s biggest problems is that environmentalists don’t vote, Environmental Voter Project founder and CEO Nathaniel Stinnett J.D. ’05 said in his keynote remarks at the University’s third 推进电子游戏正规平台 and 奖学金的一天.

“不论党派, 环保主义者需要解决他们的投票率问题,斯廷内特说。, 谁做了多年的政治和竞选战略家. “We need to start voting for one simple reason: politicians want to win elections. To do that, they focus on issues of importance to voters, not non-voters.”

After using Big Data and predictive analytics to identify ardent environmentalists who do not regularly vote, the Environmental Voter Project then employs digital and traditional strategies to get them to the polls.

Environmental Voter Project founder and CEO Nathaniel Stinnett J.D. ’05
Environmental Voter Project founder and CEO Nathaniel Stinnett J.D. 05年(加里·韦恩·吉尔伯特)

Stinnett’s talk kicked off the afternoon showcase of faculty and student research focused on the theme “Environment and 社会: 电子游戏正规平台 for a Changing World.”

“This year’s theme is arguably the defining issue of our time – developing, 建筑, 维持一个适宜居住的星球,” Vice Provost for 电子游戏正规平台 Tom Chiles said in his welcoming remarks.

"Problems associated with climate change require rigorous research, 电子游戏软件正在进行的那种电子游戏正规平台,他说. "It is a complex problem and requires a multi-disciplinary and a trans-disciplinary approach. Throwing science at a problem like climate change is not the only answer. 解决这个问题需要科学的投入, 以及来自人文学科的专业知识, 还有社会科学.”

Undergraduate work showcased included senior Robin Graves' research of "Odonata Abundance on Cranberry Bogs in Massachusetts." Her faculty adviser, 地球与环境科学的塔拉·皮萨尼·加罗, 还有她的父母, Michael Gross和chen - hong Koh, 加入她的推进电子游戏正规平台 & 奖学金的一天. (李Pellegrini)

Undergraduate students present their research as part of the University’s third 推进电子游戏正规平台 and 奖学金的一天.
Video produced by Paul Dagnello; photo by Lee Pellegrini.

The non-partisan Environmental Voter Project has identified as many as 15.7 million environmentalists who either don’t vote or don’t vote regularly. 斯廷内特,谁的在线杂志 谷物 最近被称为“投票大师”,” was presented with the Distinguished 校友 电子游戏正规平台 Award by 电子游戏软件 President William P. 莱希,年代.J.

Fr. Leahy praised Stinnett and the BC faculty and student researchers for their work, which 他说 should advance disciplinary knowledge and also sound a “call to action.”

电子游戏软件, it is important we live up to our heritage as a place that engages with questions of real significance; that we translate those questions into research that has an impact on the world around us and ultimately results in real change,” Fr. 莱希说.

电子游戏软件 faculty presenters included Assistant Professor of Earth & 环境科学Jeremy Shakun, who studies climate change; Assistant Professor of 经济学 Richard Sweeney, who has explored the impact of subsidies on clean energy initiatives; and Professor of History Conevery Bolton Valencius, who is at work on a book about earthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing practices.

电子游戏软件社会工作学院院长高塔姆·亚达玛说. (吉尔伯特)

电子游戏软件社会工作学院院长高塔姆. Yadama discussed his research of the environmental and health costs associated with people in rural India using traditional fuels and kerosene to cook, which requires poor women to spend the day foraging for firewood.

每天都在寻找燃料, 他说, an activity that "has enormous consequences – for women’s bodies, 生态系统, 以及社会和健康结果.”

"Problems associated with climate change require rigorous research, 电子游戏软件正在进行的那种电子游戏正规平台. It is a complex problem and requires a multi-disciplinary and a trans-disciplinary approach. Throwing science at a problem like climate change is not the only answer. 解决这个问题需要科学的投入, 以及来自人文学科的专业知识, 还有社会科学.——负责电子游戏正规平台的副教务长Tom Chiles
电子游戏正规平台-天- 8 - 1500
一个关于环境正义的教师小组讨论. (吉尔伯特)

School of Social Work Professor of Macro Practice Tiziana Dearing moderated a panel on environmental justice, 特邀社会学教授朱丽叶·肖尔, 卡罗尔护理学教授朱迪思·维西, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Philosophy Holly Vandewall, 政治学教授大卫·迪斯说, 和地球助理教授 & 环境科学科琳·王.

在稍后的节目中, 重点转向了本科生的电子游戏正规平台, which examined the environmental impact of killer marine plankton, 碳排放, 工厂工作, 技术转让实践, 气候政策.

地球与环境电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台生伊丽莎白·艾姆斯, 波士顿大学法学院的学生利亚姆·霍兰德, and Sociology and Philosophy double major Christopher Yu '18 delivered presentations about their research.

Christopher Yu '18 explains his project "Environmental Conditions of Factory Work in China: The Emerging Face of Chinese State Capitalism".
Christopher Yu '18 (李Pellegrini)

Yu, a member of the Gabelli Presidential Scholars program and a native of Hong Kong, described the month he spent as a summer worker assembling consumer-grade deep fryers in a factory in China—part of his experiential research project studying the environmental conditions of manufacturing workers as the emerging face of Chinese state capitalsim.

他和他的同事通常从早上8点开始工作.m. 直到晚上十点半.m.每周工作6天,收入只有美国标准工资的一小部分.S. 工资.

“After 12 hours, my arms were numb and I felt like a robot,” 他说.

学生的电子游戏正规平台成果也在展览厅展出, where guests could view the work and discuss it with the scholars.

Graduate student Samantha Dow explains her project "Quantifying and Tracing Sediment Mobilized During the 20th Century in the South River Watershed, 马萨诸塞州西部”.
Morrissey College of 艺术s and Sciences graduate student Samantha Dow explains her project "Quantifying and Tracing Sediment Mobilized During the 20th Century in the South River Watershed, 马萨诸塞州西部.(李·佩莱格里尼)

——ed Hayward / University Communications