The U.S. 美国陆军工程兵团授予电子游戏软件地球与环境科学系的一组电子游戏正规平台人员四年的奖学金, $6.200万美元的拨款用于电子游戏正规平台美国流域和海岸线的水质和沉积物运输, U.S. Senator Edward Markey announced at a campus event on March 28.

该项目建立了大学与美国工程师电子游戏正规平台与发展中心之间的合作关系.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 这家拥有220年历史的机构提供重要的公共和军事工程服务,以加强国家安全, support economic growth, and reduce risks from disasters.

“The oceans are warming dramatically, and all the evidence points towards catastrophic results,” said Sen. Markey during the visit.  “我仍然非常乐观地认为,我们今年可以取得一些成果,增加正确开展科学电子游戏正规平台所需的资金流. 我们将继续努力获得资金,以确保这项电子游戏正规平台继续下去.”

As a department, 几年来,我们一直有意地将水作为一个部门的身份来接受这个广泛的主题. We have been building strength in areas such as geochemistry, computational geophysics, and in field analysis. 这使我们能够为陆军工程兵团开发这个提案,并将所有内容整合到一个多年的电子游戏正规平台项目中.”

Professor Ethan Baxter, chair of Earth and Environmental Sciences and a lead investigator on the project, 他说,该奖项反映了该部门专业知识和能力的扩大, opportunities created by its new Ph.D. program, as well as its focus on earth systems, 特别是水及其质量对地球和社会的重要作用.

“As a department, 几年来,我们一直有意地将水作为一个部门的身份来接受这个广泛的主题,” said Baxter. “We have been building strength in areas such as geochemistry, computational geophysics and in field analysis. 这使我们能够为陆军工程兵团开发这个提案,并将所有内容整合到一个多年的电子游戏正规平台项目中.”

The project wll be affiliated with the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, 它将成为新成立的综合环境系统电子游戏正规平台中心的一个组成部分, according to Baxter and Schiller Institute Director Laura J. Steinberg.

Specifically, the project will monitor and simulate the evolution of coastlines, rivers, 以及相关的栖息地,以应对自然和人类强迫事件,如冰川消融, sea-level rise, climate change, nutrient runoff, sediment placement operations, and the construction of dams, levees and other structures. Sedimentological, geophysical, 地球化学分析将被整合到旨在理解包括海岸侵蚀在内的这些系统演变的数值模型中, subsidence, and water quality, according to Baxter.

该小组将建立一个传感器网络来监测湖泊的状况和水质, rivers, estuaries, and coastlines in study areas that include New England, the Gulf Coast region, and the Seven Mile Island Innovation Laboratory in New Jersey.

这项电子游戏正规平台将包括收集沉积物动力学和河流形态的实地测量数据,并辅以高分辨率激光雷达航空成像和其他遥感数据,绘制自然和工程水道的长期演变图, according to Baxter, joined on the project by his department colleagues, Professors Noah Snyder, John Ebel, Mark Behn, and Gail Kineke, 以及助理教授Hilary Palevsky和Xingchen“Tony”Wang.

U.S. 参议员爱德华·马基(右一)在29日的校园活动中宣布了这一消息. Shown above, l-r: Earth and Environmental Sciences doctoral student Meg Yoder; master's student Jose Cuevas; Boston College President William P. Leahy, S.J.: postdoctoral scholar Kristen Fogaren; Assistant Professor Hilary Palevsky; and Professor and Chair Ethan Baxter.

U.S. 参议员爱德华·马基(右一)在28日的校园活动中宣布了这一消息. Shown above, l-r: Earth and Environmental Sciences doctoral student Meg Yoder; master's student Jose Cuevas; Boston College President William P. Leahy, S.J.: postdoctoral scholar Kristen Fogaren; Assistant Professor Hilary Palevsky; and Professor and Chair Ethan Baxter. (Caitlin Cunningham)

Real-time measurements of dissolved oxygen, nutrient fluxes, 使用传感器和/或自动驾驶汽车的碳化学将提供水质监测. 沉积物和生物档案的实验室地球化学分析, such as coral skeletons, 将用于建立沉积物来源演变的历史记录, nutrient fluxes, and water quality. 该项目还将与该大学韦斯顿天文台的地球物理专家联系,以评估堤坝和其他工程结构的状况.

“它负责管理国家的许多河道和港口, 他们每天都要处理将沉积物从不需要的地方移走的挑战, such as reservoirs and navigation channels, to where it is needed, 比如沿海栖息地和基础设施会因海平面上升而消失,” said Snyder, the project’s co-lead investigator. “我们的团队渴望与该机构的科学家和工程师合作,帮助理解这个复杂的问题.”

Baxter表示,现场数据收集和历史数据的计算建模之间将存在相互作用, as well as future scenarios.

“The partnership with the Corps is exciting,” said Baxter. “他们已经在水质演变等领域磨练了几十年的现有模型, sediment transport in coastlines and river systems, and the stability of coastlines and rivers. 最初的一大部分工作是收集数据,以评估和改进现有模型. In addition, on the geophysical modeling side, 这种伙伴关系将创造可能引入新因素的新模式.“除了建立环境传感设备网络, 这笔拨款将有助于为校园提供新的和升级的分析技术, Baxter said. 该基金将资助至少六名电子游戏正规平台生,其中大部分是该系新博士学位的学生.D. 项目博士后3人,本科电子游戏正规平台人员6人.

巴克斯特说:“对学生和博士后电子游戏正规平台人员的资助是重要的. “如果没有我们新的博士学位的推出,这笔拨款是不可能发生的.D. program. 启动这个项目的决定和大学对它的支持已经使伟大的事情发生了.”

电子游戏正规平台人员将在同行评议的期刊上发表他们的发现, as well as share with fellow researchers, government scientists, 在美国陆军工程兵团的年度电子游戏正规平台会议上, 工程师研发中心总部在维克斯堡, MS. 这一消息恰逢不列颠哥伦比亚省举行了为期两天的研讨会,在研讨会上,大学和ERDC项目团队介绍了通过合作伙伴关系进行的初步电子游戏正规平台.

Ed Hayward |University Communications | March 2022