作者史蒂文·康斯坦丁和安·伯吉斯. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)

Connell School of 护理 Professor Ann Wolbert Burgess received a phone call at her 电子游戏软件 office in 1978 that would alter the course of her career 和 lead to a seismic shift in the practice of law enforcement.

The call from Roy Hazelwood of the FBI was the beginning of a decades-long collaboration between Burgess 和 the agency’s nascent Behavioral Science Unit (BSU). 掌握了性犯罪的专业知识, 受害者电子游戏正规平台, 以及犯罪心理学, 还有电子游戏正规平台技能, 伯吉斯和特工们一起工作,帮助他们辨认, 面试, 和 track down dozens of notoriously 暴力 offenders 和 serial killers.

Burgess’s role in the evolution of criminal profiling 和 its application to several serial killer investigations are detailed in the new book, 设计杀手: Murderers, Mindhunters, 和 My Quest to Decipher the Criminal Mind, 由伯吉斯和史蒂文·马修·康斯坦丁共同撰写, 康奈尔商学院营销与传播副主任.

The book has been released to critical praise, including starred reviews from 图书馆杂志《电子游戏正规平台》. 这本书还被亚马逊评为“本月最佳书籍”.

设计杀手 让读者从局内人的角度了解犯罪侧写的发展, it also offers an equally compelling perspective on Burgess as a trailblazing forensic 和 psychiatric nurse, 他的故事在一定程度上成为了多年后一部流行电视剧的基础.


It was research Burgess conducted with BC colleague Lynda Lytle Holmstrom, 一位社会学家, 让FBI盯上了伯吉斯. The pair 面试ed nearly 150 victims of rape to underst和 the emotional 和 traumatic effects of sexual violence. Their study found that sexual violence was more about power 和 control than the act of sex—a novel concept in the early 1970s. They also coined the phrase “rape trauma syndrome” to describe the psychological aftereffects of an attack that would often outlast the physical effects. 他们在期刊上发表了他们的电子游戏正规平台, 他们的文章, "急诊室里的强奸受害者 美国护理杂志引起了黑兹尔伍德的注意.

Burgess was brought to the FBI Academy in Quantico to give lectures 和 teach the agents about 受害者电子游戏正规平台 和 暴力 sex crimes. 在那里,她遇到了特工罗伯特·雷斯勒和约翰·道格拉斯, 他们在做一个副业采访36个连环杀手.

正如她在书中回忆的那样, the taped 面试s they shared with her were “like eavesdropping on the rawest fringes of humanity.” Burgess saw that the agents were onto an approach that could lead to a whole new way of underst和ing criminal behavior.

“据我所知, 从来没人想弄清楚连环杀手杀人的原因,她回忆说.

Though Burgess found the agents’ project fascinating 和 the possible implications profound, she said the 面试s were “poorly structured 和 had zero footing in any conventional school of research.她与雷斯勒和道格拉斯联手, contributing her knowledge of sex crimes 和 applying proper research methodology to the project.

设计杀手 depicts how the team’s criminal personality study then pivoted from abstract research to an investigative tool. Burgess 和 the agents applied their insights into criminal behavior to an active murder investigation of young teen boys in Nebraska in 1983. The team developed a profile of the likely killer of the unsolved murders, 帮助执法人员逮捕罪犯, 约翰·约瑟夫·儒贝尔四世. The case received national media attention 和 was reported on in the Congressional Record.

伯吉斯说朱伯特的案子证实了BSU和犯罪侧写的有效性, 甚至在联邦调查局内部都有质疑者. “We’d proven that there was value in underst和ing the criminal mind…to be able to actually use criminal profiling in an active case to hunt down a killer was the most satisfying reward of all,伯吉斯写道。.


Professor 安·伯吉斯和史蒂文·康斯坦丁 of the Connell School of 护理

“That case elevated criminal profiling to a known tool that the FBI could offer local authorities,康斯坦丁说, who noted that the FBI needs to be invited in by local law enforcement to look at a case. “随着越来越多的案件通过侧写解决,情况就像滚雪球一样越滚越大.”

伯吉斯、道格拉斯和雷斯勒会写一本书,书名为 性谋杀:模式和动机. 这三人的作品是Netflix热播剧《电子游戏软件》(Mindhunter)的灵感来源,,女演员安娜·托夫(Anna Torv)在片中扮演了一个虚构的伯吉斯.

Burgess was often the only non-agent 和 only woman working with the so-called “mindhunters.“在她的职业生涯中,她一直被告知,这张图, 暴力, 令人不安的性犯罪世界不适合她. 和黑兹尔伍德在八十年代讨论一个案子, 她讲述了, “He tried to walk some imaginary line of social decorum while talking to me about extreme acts of violence, 不管我跟他说过多少次让他住手.”

“Many of these original profilers had their own books, but very little of that content mentioned Dr. 伯吉斯的故事,康斯坦丁说, who worked closely with Burgess on a 2018 campus 事件 called “背后的思想 ‘Mindhunter.’”“我还以为菲利普医生. 伯吉斯的故事特别有趣,需要分享.”

伯吉斯“打破了玻璃天花板,”康斯坦丁继续说道. “她是一个先驱. Her work helped change how law enforcement thought about these cases 和 it changed how the 法律 system thought about these cases. It’s the foundation of the modern aspects on how sexual crimes are dealt with. The public underst和ing of rape—once dismissed as a ‘women’s issue’—has come so far 和 that’s a testament to Dr. 伯吉斯和她的工作.”

Burgess’s expertise led to her providing expert testimony in court 和 being 面试ed for true crime podcasts. Her course, Forensic Mental 健康, is considered one of the most popular courses on campus.

她为法医护理领域的进步感到自豪, particularly in the establishment of sexual assault nurse examiners who play a critical role in collecting evidence from victims. 她作为护士的整个职业生涯以及她对性的电子游戏正规平台, 暴力犯罪总是优先考虑受害者, 她说,给受害者一个发声的机会, 破除强奸迷思, 提高医疗水平, 法律, 调查社区与受害者的互动.

伯吉斯继续为受害者工作. She 和 psychiatric nursing colleagues from Johns Hopkins University 和 the University of Maryl和 have formed the “Super Sleuth Club,每月通过Zoom会面,试图解决悬案. 格雷格·库珀也加入了他们的行列, 他是前联邦调查局侧写师,领导着悬案基金会, 以及其他前BSU特工.

这类案件只有一半多一点得到解决, 这意味着“成千上万的案件从未解决?,伯吉斯说, who said that the Super Sleuth Club heard from a woman connected to one of the cold cases they are investigating. The woman was only nine years old when her mother was killed; the murder remains unsolved.

“She was just so grateful that someone is still paying attention to her mother,” said Burgess. “I always wanted to speak for the victim who didn’t survive, because nobody spoke for them.”


凯瑟琳·沙利文|大学传播| 2022年2月