Using LinkedIn professionally will help you greatly in establishing connections, 发展人际关系, 探索公司和行业. 把你的个人资料看作是你的 重新开始,您可以在其中增强内容并将其用作动态网络工具.



  • 名字包括你的姓和名. 还记得, your name is your brand and is the first piece of information people will see when they view your profile or your name appears in a search. If you have a common name, it is recommended that you include your middle name or initial.
  • 资料图片选择一张友好、专业的照片. LinkedIn differs from 重新开始s in that it is important to include a profile picture, 因为雇主更倾向于看到平易近人的潜在雇员.
  • 标题: Your headline is your unique tagline to capture readers’ attention and entice them to read your full profile. LinkedIn will automatically generate a headline for you based on your most recent position in your Experience section. 强档案将有一个电子游戏正规平台的标题,包括电子游戏正规平台领域, 职业抱负, 或者与你想要的职业领域相关的关键词. If you are searching for an opportunity, it can be helpful to incorporate this into your headline.

    • Aspiring Consumer Marketer with a Passion for Strategy, Promotions, and Campaign Management
    • 电子游戏软件大三学生在纽约市寻求会计实习机会
    • 社交媒体品牌专员|寻求营销实习
  • 位置:  While at 电子游戏软件, you may choose to include your location as “Greater Boston Area.“一旦你开始寻找, it is beneficial to update your location to your desired location for employment.  This will ensure that you appear in searches conducted by employers near that area.

  • 行业:选择你想进入的行业.  

  • 当前的 & 工作经历及教育背景:  LinkedIn will update these sections based on the information you provide in the Experience and 教育 sections of your profile.

  • 联系信息:  Update the contact information you wish to provide to viewers of your profile.  你可以包括电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 邮寄地址, Twitter账户, 个人网站.  When linking a Twitter account or personal website, ensure that the content is professional.  The details you include in the 联系信息 section will only be shared with your direct connections.
  • 公共URL:自定义您的公共URL以包含您的姓名.  拥有一个定制的, professional URL will enable you to easily include your LinkedIn profile in an email signature or 重新开始.  要电子游戏正规平台URL,请进入Edit Profile模式.  点击标题框URL旁边的“编辑”.  In the text box on the right hand side, click the pencil under “Your Public Profile URL.输入您想要的URL并保存.



We are empowering you to take control of your online presence and help employers put a face to your name. Elevate your EagleExchange and LinkedIn profiles with a visit to the 就业中心照相亭 on the first floor of the 职业中心.


As with your 重新开始, you are able to add various sections to your LinkedIn profile.  LinkedIn已经创建了部分供你选择. 你不需要包括网站提供的所有部分, 只添加那些与你和你的职业领域相关的信息.


总结是你进一步拓展个人品牌的机会.  你可以在这里描述你最大的成就、抱负和兴趣.  在写总结的时候,记住你的听众是很重要的.  You do not want to write large blocks of text; instead, 在适当的地方使用较短的块和项目符号列表.  和所有专业文件一样, 确保你的摘要语法正确,没有打字错误.  基于你感兴趣的行业和你的经历, 您可以选择包含一个图像, video, 或其他文档在你的总结部分.


  • A second year Marketing undergraduate student at 电子游戏软件 with an interest in marketing, 广告, 还有社交媒体. Seeking a summer 实习 to apply my experience assisting a company’s branding needs through social media outreach, 制定营销计划, 数字营销, 进行客户调查.

    • 活动策划
    • 社交网络和营销
    • 账户管理
    • Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
    • Adobe CS5.5 Suite (Photoshop, Flash)

  • Enthusiastic and focused student graduating in May with in-depth agency and industry experience and a focus in 广告 and the arts, 特别是舞蹈和戏剧. Served in college on the Executive Committee for a yearly student-run dance extravaganza and each year moved up in leadership roles to finance manager, 编排, 营销协调员兼组织主席.

    Interested in an entry-level position with an 广告 agency in account management or media planning in New York City; currently preparing to move to the city post-graduation. Also qualified and experienced with arts administration and arts and theatre education with elementary school children; extensive volunteer service in classrooms and after-school programs.
  • 介绍
    正式, I am a senior in 电子游戏软件's Carroll School of Management studying marketing and information systems. 但更重要的是, 我是一个有创造力的思考者, 值, 并支持突破界限的想法. 市场营销是我的爱好, 我的主要兴趣是品牌管理, 数字营销, 社交媒体营销, 以及产品营销.


    我从小就对品牌的概念很感兴趣. Though I may not remember which cartoons I watched on Saturday mornings as a child, 我仍然记得各种日常用品的无数广告. 尽管这些产品看起来很普通, compelling brand stories expressed through unique 广告 made them extraordinary. The lasting impact a brand can leave on a consumer and the loyalty that results from this impact fascinates me. 成功的品牌与消费者建立联系, I believe that marketing is the key to a positive relationship between a brand and its audience.


    诺曼·梅勒曾经说过:“一个人必须成长,否则要为保持不变付出更多的代价。.“这个想法不仅适用于个人,也适用于品牌. 今天的消费者对创新和创造力做出反应, and I hope to build a career around devising and implementing avant-garde marketing campaigns.

经历、志愿者经历 & 原因和组织

这些部分类似于你简历上标题相似的部分. They will likely contain the majority of the information you share on your profile informing others of what you have done in the past. 当电子游戏正规平台这些部分时, 包括实习, 工作经验, 课外活动, 志愿者经历. Describe each experience in enough detail to inform the reader about your responsibilities and accomplishments in each position. Be sure to include action verbs, industry-specific keywords, actions taken, and results achieved.


Include your 电子游戏软件 education and any other higher education experiences you may have.  这可能包括出国留学经历, 前度, 交流项目, 或者在另一个机构度过的时间.  你也可以在这里写上你参加的活动和社团.  在描述部分, 包括其他地方没有说明的任何相关信息, 比如论文题目, 未成年人, 或奖学金.  LinkedIn有一个专门的课程列表, 所以你不需要在描述中写相关的课程作业.  


Include any relevant courses you have taken and associate them with the proper 教育 entry utilizing the drop-down menu.


列出你的技能或专业领域.  包括你所在行业的关键字和短语.  While you can add up to 50 skills to your profile, initially, try to add at least 10 skills.  不像你的简历, it is acceptable to list interpersonal skills in addition to technical or industry-specific skills.

Your direct connections on LinkedIn are able to endorse you for skills on your profile.  技能 that receive more endorsements will automatically be listed first in your skills list.  然而, 如果你想突出某些技能, 您可以通过单击此部分的“编辑”来更改顺序.  为了获得背书, 考虑认可你的人脉的技能, 因为他们可能会选择回报你. 


Include any projects you would like to highlight from your educational experience, 工作经验, 实习, 或其他地方.  描述你的职责和成就.  您还可以为每个特定项目添加与您一起工作的团队成员.


  • 荣誉 & 奖
  • 语言
  • 利益
  • 个人信息
  • 出版物
  • 考试成绩
  • 专利
  • 认证