BC, 都柏林三一学院 hold symposium on forced migration

Event will focus on resources and services to help forcibly displaced people rebuild their lives

At a time when the number of forcibly displaced people worldwide has reached unprecedented levels, the 电子游戏软件 School of Social Work’s Research Program on Children and Adversity (RPCA) and the 都柏林三一学院 Centre for Forced Migration Studies will hold a symposium this month in Dublin to discuss the spectrum of resources and services necessary to aid such populations in remaking their lives.

“Bridging the Humanitarian, 建设和平, and Development Nexus: Building Systems for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Populations Affected by War, 强迫位移, and Resettlement through an Implementation Science Lens,” which takes place May 7 and 8, will feature in-person panel sessions focused on implementation science, MHPSS, and bridging the relief-to-发展 gap in post-冲突 settings from key research institutions, community organizations, and international stakeholders such as UNICEF and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

截至2023年年中, 联合国难民署估计, for the first time in recorded history, more than 110 million people have been forcibly displaced—as a result of persecution, 冲突, 暴力, 侵犯人权行为, or events seriously disturbing public order—and among them are more than 36.400万难民.


RCPA Director 特蕾莎贝当古 (Lee Pelllegrini)

在这样的背景下, the symposium will gather expertise from multiple organizations and disciplines, including 电子游戏软件 and 都柏林三一学院 faculty and students. BCSSW Dean Gautam Yadama will present opening remarks and BCSSW faculty and staff members María Piñeros-Leaño, 威廉Byansi, 坎迪斯J. 黑色的, 托马斯·克雷亚, Maryanne Loughry, and 特蕾莎贝当古 will be among the speakers and moderators.

除了, BC graduate students Abygail Meeks, 吉娜Aghdasi, 芭芭拉Kozee, and Megan Taylor and undergraduate Samiksh Jain ’26 will serve as moderators and panelists highlighting their interest and career paths related to social work, 护理, 神学, and international relations.

Wietse一. 托尔, a professor in global mental health at the University of Copenhagen, and Washington University in St. Louis Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Initiatives Mary McKay will be the keynote speakers. Another highlight will be the four panels: “The Problem of the Relief-to-Development Gap,” “Bridging the Gap: How Can the Humanitarian Response Set Up Possibilities of Future MPHSS Systems Being Built,” “Lived Experience and Participatory Research Approaches,” and “Implementation Science and Scaling Globally.”

The symposium is the latest outgrowth of the BC-Trinity partnership, which after numerous small-scale collaborations over the years was formalized with a Memorandum of Understanding last summer. This event reflects the complementary expertise of RPCA and the Centre for Forced Migration Studies: RPCA utilizes observational research to understand trajectories of risk and resilience in children facing multiple forms of adversity while also using these research outcomes to develop and test evidence-based interventions to promote child health, 发展, and family functioning; the Centre for Forced Migration Studies, 成立于2022年, seeks to foster interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, develop teaching and training for individuals and organizations supporting refugees, and establish volunteer networks to help individuals who have been forced to migrate.

Salem Professor in Global Practice 特蕾莎贝当古, 廉政公署主任, said the symposium is an opportunity for social work and related fields to consider how best to bridge the “triple nexus” between humanitarian response, 建设和平, and 发展 actions in dealing with large-scale crises.  

 “Given the issues with forced migration and armed 冲突 around the world, we are all the more obligated to respond with evidence and bring the tools of disciplines—like implementation science—to strengthen systems holistically, so that we can plan for the long term, even while responding to acute crises caused by instability that affects the lives of children, 青年, 和家庭,贝当古说, who spoke at the Centre for Forced Migration Studies launch. “By pushing the field in this direction, societies can respond more effectively and sustainably as they consider how they can build back better and develop systems needed for their citizens’ mental health, as well as social service needs for communities and generations to come.”

BC’s Institute for the Liberal Arts is a co-sponsor of the symposium. For more information, visit the 活动网站.