(图片来源:Lee Pellegrini)


The Lynch School associate dean will begin his new role on August 1

电子游戏软件任命了大卫·古德曼, associate dean for strategic initiatives 和 external relations in 林奇学派 of Education 和 Human Development, 担任伍兹高等教育学院院长, 8月1日生效. He succeeds former dean Karen Muncaster, who retired in December.

Prior to working in 林奇学派 as associate dean 和 director of the Center for Psychological Humanities 和 Ethics, Goodman served as associate dean of academic affairs 和 advising from 2014-2018, 2018-2019年担任伍兹学院临时院长.

一位备受尊敬的临床心理学家, 管理员, 他曾在伍兹学院任教, 林奇学派, 以及莫里西文理学院, 以及哈佛医学院, 莱斯利大学, 瑞吉斯学院, 以及加州的阿苏萨太平洋大学, Goodman brings to the position a clear underst和ing of the Woods College’s distinctiveness 和 a desire to enhance 和 exp和 its academic programs to meet the ever-evolving needs of non-traditional students.  

教务长和学院院长 大卫•奎格利 cited Goodman’s extensive administrative experience 和 strategic vision in continuing 和 professional studies as key strengths that will assist him in leading the Woods College as dean.

“大卫古德曼 possesses a deep knowledge of the Woods College, 他对学校的学生和项目充满热情,奎格利说.  “他对该公司的未来阐述了一个令人信服的愿景, 和 I look forward to working closely with him as he moves back to St. 玛丽礼堂南.”

Goodman said he was pleased to assume the Woods deanship 和 to build on the strength 和 momentum that exists within the school.

“After joining the Woods College as an 管理员 和 teacher, 我迷恋上了伍兹的学生, 它的使命, 和 its commitment to providing lifechanging education for adult-learners,古德曼说。.

“圣. Mary’s Hall South are some of the most inspiring I have ever heard. They are stories of compassion, dedication, 和 resilience in the face of adversity. 我很荣幸能在这些故事中扮演一个小角色, after being away for the past five years while working with my wonderful colleagues at 林奇学派, 我非常高兴能以院长的身份回到伍兹社区. It is a true homecoming, one for 哪一个 I am deeply grateful 和 incredibly excited.”

“大卫古德曼 possesses a deep knowledge of the Woods College, 他对学校的学生和项目充满热情. 他对中国的未来阐述了一个令人信服的愿景, 和 I look forward to working closely with him as he moves back to St. 玛丽礼堂南.
大卫•奎格利, 教务长和学院院长

他是伍兹学院的临时院长, Goodman developed programmatic offerings that capitalized on staff strengths 和 market needs to serve students in under电子游戏正规平台生, 电子游戏正规平台生, 证书, 专业发展, 以及高管教育项目.  He also developed successful strategies for creating online courses 和 degree opportunities in collaboration with campus partners. 作为副院长, 他帮助启动了新的电子游戏正规平台生项目, 大大扩展了在线和混合课程的开发, 和 improved academic advising 和 student support initiatives for Woods students.

More recently, as associate dean in 林奇学派, he worked closely with Charles F. 多诺万,年代.J., Dean Stanton Wortham to develop 和 implement a strategic plan for the school 和 provide innovation leadership in establishing new programs—from online courses to 专业发展 opportunities.

“伍兹学院的前途一片光明,古德曼说。. “It is my hope that the school will soon be recognized as an academic ‘maker space’ on campus—providing an innovative 和 collegial environment in 哪一个 faculty 和 students are invited to explore new programmatic opportunities 和 modalities. 在当今不断变化的高等教育格局中, it is critical for the University to have a space dedicated to cross-institutional initiatives 和 partnerships.

“One of the hallmarks of the Woods College is its cross-professional 和 interdisciplinary approach to continuing 和 professional education. Woods is thus well-equipped to work with other schools on campus to develop substantive, 引人入胜的, 和 meaningful collaborations that will benefit current 和 future students alike. I truly believe the Woods College can 和 will become the premiere continuing 和 professional studies school in the Jesuit network.”

伍兹学院的前途一片光明. It is my hope that the school will soon be recognized as an academic ‘maker space’ on campus—providing an innovative 和 collegial environment in 哪一个 faculty 和 students are invited to explore new programmatic opportunities 和 modalities.

毕业于阿苏萨太平洋大学, Goodman received a master’s degree in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary, 和 master's 和 doctoral degrees in clinical psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology.  He is the author of multiple scholarly books 和 journal articles 和 has done extensive editorial work, 包括监督两个系列书籍: 心理学与他者 心理人文论文集, 哪一个 highlight creative work at the intersections between psychology 和 the disciplines relevant to the human psyche.

He is past president of the American Psychological Association’s Division 24, 和理论学会 & 哲学心理学.  他和他的妻子, 凯蒂, 是四个孩子的父母:利瓦伊, 黄土, 伊娃, 约书亚, 享受与家人和朋友一起烹饪的乐趣, 发现新菜系, 和 exploring new places domestically 和 internationally.

“当我10年前加入电子游戏软件社区时, I could not have imagined the ways my life would be transformed by the University’s mission 和 ethos,古德曼说。. “在过去的十年里, 我在智力上成长了, 在道德上, 最重要的是, 精神上, 和 that growth can be attributed in large part to the relationships I have formed as a member of the BC family. This institution is truly a formative place 和 I feel humbled 和 honored to serve in a leadership role at such a remarkable University.”

Quigley thanked Interim Dean Akua Sarr for her efforts in leading the school during its leadership transition. 

“伍兹学院社区, 以及我们电子游戏软件的所有人, have benefited from Akua Sarr's tenure as interim dean this semester,奎格利说. “我很感激她的服务.”