
Environmental Justice

A Remarkable Milestone

Professor Plater's 40-year defense of a tiny fish threatened by an enormous dam concludes with snail darter's removal from endangered species list.

Zygmunt铁甲工 can now close the book on the saga of "The Snail Darter and the Dam." 

20世纪70年代, a young environmental lawyer took on a Tennessee dam project in an effort to save a tiny fish facing extinction. Against the odds, he steered the case to the US Supreme Court and won, though it was not a slam dunk. The full story of this David and Goliath undertaking grew complicated over time.

不过, 44 years after the Court ruled in favor of protecting the snail darter, Zygmunt铁甲工, a professor at Boston College 法律 School since 1981, achieved some closure on the fish’s status.

In 2019, he had petitioned the Department of the Interior to recognize that the little fish was no longer endangered with extinction, but also asked that certain protections remain. He did so out of concern that extinction removal with protections would be preferable should the then-Administration follow through on its intention to remove all endangered species protections, regardless of extinction status.

10月4日, 这种威胁被消除了, the Department of the Interior granted Plater’s petition, declared the fish recovered, and removed it from the endangered species list.

In announcing the decision, Secretary Deb Haaland called the recovery “a remarkable conservation milestone that tells a story about how controversy and polarization can evolve into cooperation and a big conservation success.” According to the DOI’s news release, efforts since the 1990s by the TVA kept hope alive for the snail darter’s survival.

The controversy and polarization Secretary Haaland referred to has to do with the political controversy that followed the Court’s decision. Although Plater subsequently won a unanimous economic verdict against the Tellico Dam, federal construction agencies and foes of federal regulation in Congress ultimately passed an exemption from the Endangered Species Act that enabled its construction. Government conservationists, 与此同时, collected and transplanted the snail darters from the Little Tennessee River to alternative potential habitats, three of which were successful.

Plater explained that, in addition to improved water quality, the snail darter’s recovery is based upon TVA’s species-support regimen of infiltrating oxygen into the dam releases above the big-river locations, and pulsing dam releases at critical times in order to clear spawning gravels of silt. “Species survival depends upon TVA’s diligent and sustained implementation of those human supports, despite the resulting losses of power revenue,他补充道.

Plater captured many of these fish versus dam details in The Snail Darter and the Dam (Yale University Press, 2014), aptly dubbed “the story of a small endangered fish’s travels through the corridors of American Power.”

But today he also signals that environmentalists must remain vigilant. “We’re satisfied that there are now three large, 建立了, big-river populations, upon which it’s scientifically necessary to rely for survival of the darter,他说. “The several small creek transplants and discovered darter populations are not secure. If we don’t do it right, extinction is forever.”

The snail darter epic is but one contribution Plater has made to the study and practice of environmental justice. A pioneering educator in the movement, he also led the legal team investigating the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and co-authored (with BC 法律’s David Wirth, 等) Environmental Policy: Nature, 法律 and Society, the first casebook with a unit on environmental justice, now in its fifth edition.

一篇文章 BC法律杂志 earlier this year noted Plater’s decades of success encouraging aspiring lawyers to take up environmental causes. He has engaged scores of students in his work, most recently a cohort of seven who helped prepare the petition to the Department of the Interior. “I pull students in on every public interest project I take on,他说.

BC 法律 students who helped with the snail darter petition, 从左, 艾迪·沃德24岁, 阿比盖尔·拉方丹,23岁, 卡拉·考克斯,24岁, 海莉·罗兰兹,24岁, 洛根·哈格蒂,24岁, Cam Cantelmo, 24岁, and Brandon Smith ‘24.