Former 访问ing Scholar Erdur-Baker reflects on stay with Center


Özgür Erdur-Baker

Professor of Education, Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey

Dr. Erdur-Baker was in residence at the Center from January-December 2019

我于2019年1月抵达电子游戏软件,作为该中心的访问学者,此前我获得了富布赖特学者奖,以支持我的电子游戏正规平台项目“发展基于需求的教育”, 基于社区的参与性电子游戏正规平台对流离失所叙利亚人的性别和文化敏感的社会心理支持干预模式."

我带着一些数据集和问题来到这里,这些数据集和问题是关于目前对我的祖国土耳其影响最大的难民危机.  我坚信,由于各国之间的联系日益密切, disasters can no longer be considered as local events. Climate change, 战争, 贫困, 暴力, terrorism, 其他自然和人为灾害似乎是造成创伤性压力的被迫流离失所的主要原因. 然而, 这些移民的激励因素也可能最终成为移民本身的后果. For example, exclusion/discrimination/stigmatization, recognition gaps, ethnic tension, 暴力, 在资源已经捉襟见肘的难民接收国,贫困率也在上升. 世界目前正经历着有史以来最高水平的移民率,有70.8 million displaced people. As the map seen below illustrates, all of Europe, including Turkey, is being impacted by the recent Syrian refugee crisis.


Common EU migration route from Syria

Turkey hosts the largest refugee population in the world (UNHCR, 2019). Almost 46% of the refugees in Turkey are younger than 18[1]. 然而, 许多难民抵达土耳其是为了中转到欧洲国家,希望他们能找到更好的资源和生活条件. Therefore, 土耳其是难民和移民继原籍国之后的另一个出发地. Considering migrant-sending, migrant-receiving, and transit country positions, 土耳其似乎是流离失所者的关键国家(难民权利小组委员会), 2018).  One reason would be the convenience of its geographical location. Specifically, 土耳其被认为是东方经济欠发达国家和西方较发达国家之间的天然桥梁. In addition, 由于海岸的地理性质,爱琴海和地中海海岸便于非法越过沿海边界(难民权利小组委员会), 2018). 然而,即使这些来自海岸的非法入境看起来很方便,它们也是非常危险的.

Following the agreements between Turkey and the EU, 自2016年3月起,正式关闭了从土耳其到欧洲的移民路线. 然而,这些条例未能成功地阻止非正规移民的流动. Their numbers have increased along with the number of smuggling networks.[2] Due to the restrictions applied by the European countries, 难民和移民被迫返回他们的出发点,在此期间发生了许多悲剧.

大规模的国际移民也有可能引起国内移民, as is the case for Turkey. With the policy of open Eastern Doors yet closed Western Doors, 逃到土耳其的难民感觉被困住了,整个国家感觉就像一个大难民营. As refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria settle in the country, locals are forced to immigrate domestically and internationally. For instance, about 82% of the population in Kilis, a city in the South-east of Turkey, is now Syrians. 此外, 大多数难民安置在发展中国家,其中大部分来自低经济地位国家. 受过高等教育和经济资源的难民倾向于选择移民到发达国家,这些国家也更有可能向他们敞开大门. For example, in Turkey, the average age of Syrian refugees is 22.7 (45.7 % are younger than 18), only 8.4% have college/university degrees, and almost 40% are either illiterate or have only an elementary education[3]. So although all of Europe is experiencing a refugee crisis, the size and the nature of the crisis varies from country to country, and this requires the development of creative, context specific, and flexible/adaptable intervention programs.

Refugees in Turkey

As of March 2019, there were 3.6 million refugees in Turkey, 他们构成了全球最大的难民人口,几乎占土耳其总人口的5%.  

For latest figures, 请参阅土耳其移民管理总局的“临时保护”

Latest figures

Therefore, my Fulbright research aims to address to this challenge. With constantly changing numbers, settlement locations, needs and group specific problems, large scale humanitarian aid must be planned, implemented, and its effectiveness tested. 考虑到大量有创伤经历(包括创伤的父母背景)的学龄儿童,教育和心理健康似乎是需要解决的重要问题.

Such needs and issues cannot be seen as local problems. Yet, the contextual factors appear to be vital. Refugee receiving countries, especially the ones with limited resources, are usually affected negatively by forced immigration processes. Education and health are the two sectors that are affected the most. Also, local people feel threatened of losing their jobs and culture. 一个主要问题是这些国家的移民融合和移民适应政策. 移民率的增加引起了人们对融合和适应方式的关注,包括建立促进民主形式的移民适应和融入政策的体制.

During my sabbatical year, 我有机会和一些来自波士顿不同大学和非政府组织的优秀人士一起思考和讨论这些问题. At Boston College, 人权与国际司法中心为我的电子游戏正规平台目标提供了最具启发性的环境. 我非常感谢我的东道主Brinton Lykes,她花了非常宝贵的时间讨论我的数据,并分享了她丰富的知识和见解. 我有机会听了几场精彩的演讲,参加了几次会议. Even though I was quite distressed about the content of some of the talks, 例如,有人声称,解决全球难民危机最合乎道德/伦理的办法是向目前的收容国提供资金.g. 土耳其),这样难民就会留在原地,而不会到达她的国家, I am still grateful to be exposed to different opinions and assured that “yes, 全球难民危机确实是一个政治问题”,我们需要更多的人权和国际正义倡导者, like Center personnel Brinton Lykes, Daniel Kanstroom, and Timothy Karcz.

谢谢布林顿、蒂姆和邦妮·沃尔德伦(中心助理),你们让我在这里度过了难忘的时光. You will be missed. 


[1] http://data2.联合国难民署.org/en/documents/download/71511

[2] -至少- 2 - 500万-移民走私-世界-在- 2016 - unodc电子游戏正规平台说.html
