
The C21中心 圣公会访客计划 invites members of the Catholic hierarchy to visit campus to engage in conversation about current issues in the Church. 每学期, the C21中心 hosts a bishop on campus for a day to experience life at a Jesuit, 天主教大学. This visit is an opportunity to learn from the bishop how 电子游戏软件 can meet the current and future needs of the Catholic Church. 圣公会访客会见学生, 教师, and administrators and gives a public address on campus.


大主教José Gomez, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Immigration, National Identity, and Catholic Conscience, September 8th, 2016 Speech, PDF Version

大主教José Gomez speaks about conscience and immigration in an afternoon lecture.



Bishop Frank Caggiano, Diocese of Bridgeport

Sharing Our Faith Stories, November 9, 2015

Bishop Frank Caggiano discusses the importance of sharing one's faith story.


Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami

"I was a stranger and you welcomed me": A Catholic Vision for Immigration Reform, October 27, 2014

Archbishop Thomas Wenski discusses the Catholic vision on Immigration Reform.


约瑟夫大主教. 托宾,C.Ss.R.印第安纳波利斯大主教

Church-交流: Roles in Relationship, March 24, 2014

大主教Joseph 托宾 explores a vision for Church-communion in the 21st century that aims to transcend the frequent and intense challenges of polemical and ideological polarization.



罗伯特·W主教. 麦克尔罗伊, Vicar for Parish Life and Development, Archdiocese of San Francisco

The Challenge of Catholic Teaching on War and Peace in the Present Moment, March 18, 2013

Bishop 麦克尔罗伊 discuss the challenges of Catholic teaching on war and peace in today's world.


哈里大主教. 弗林,D.D.圣公会圣公会名誉总主教. 保罗和明尼阿波利斯

An Archbishop's Perspective on Handing on the Faith, October 1, 2012 (直播)

Archbishop Harry 弗林 shares a reflection on handing on the faith in the 21st century, drawn from more than 20 years of experience as a bishop


红衣主教Seán帕特里克·奥马利,O.F.M. 帽.波士顿大主教管区

The Eucharist: At the Center of Catholic Life, October 25, 2011 (直播)

Cardinal Seán Patrick 奥马利 discusses the Eucharist being the heart of the Church’s life and the lives of Catholics.



红衣主教罗杰·马奥尼, Archbishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Looking 回来, Looking Forward: The Bishop’s Ministry of Oversight, March 29, 2011 (直播)

红衣主教罗杰·马奥尼, 洛杉矶名誉大主教, reflects on his time as Archbishop and the role of the bishop in the Catholic Church.


教宗枢机. 乔治,OMI,芝加哥大主教


红衣主教弗朗西斯·乔治,O.M.I. presents themes in his recently published book, "The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, 交流, 和文化."


威尔顿大主教. 格雷戈里,亚特兰大大主教管区



罗伯特·J主教. 麦克马纳斯,伍斯特教区



红衣主教蒂莫西. 多兰,纽约大主教


While serving as Archbishop of Milwaukee, Most Rev. 盖米. 多兰 visited the BC campus to discuss the urgency in handing on the faith in our cultural religious education


杰拉尔德·F主教. 基坎纳斯,图森教区

The Future of Catholic Parish Ministry, November 1, 2006 (直播)

Bishop Kicanas presents on ministry in the 21st century. He discusses the times we are called to minister; working to build a just society; handing on the faith to the new generation; and maintaining a spiritual center.



红衣主教沃尔特·卡斯珀, 奥格尼桑提的红衣主教, 新阿皮亚大道名誉主席, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

The Message of Mercy and Its Importance Today, May 1, 2014

Cardinal 卡斯帕 speaks on the topic of his newly translated book Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life (Paulist Press, 2014).


蒂莫西大主教. Broglio, Archdiocese for the Military Services

Formative Years: Jesuit Institutions and the Challenge of Faith, March 16, 2010 (直播)

大主教蒂莫西·布罗格里奥, Archbishop of the Military Services discusses about his time at 电子游戏软件 and the importance of a Jesuit education.


大主教J. 迈克尔·米勒,温哥华大主教

Catholic Higher Education in the United States and the Holy See, September 11, 2006 (直播)

大主教J. Michael 米勒 discusses the Holy See's vision for Catholic education in the United States.


枢机执事艾弗里R. 杜勒斯,年代.J., SS. Nomi di Gesù e Maria,福特汉姆大学

The Faith That the Church Hands On, October 12, 2005 (直播)

As part of the Handing on the Faith series, Cardinal Avery 杜勒斯 discusses handing on the true faith of the Church.


大主教约翰·R. 奎因, Archbishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of San Francisco

The Reform of the Papacy: A Permanent Synod? 二零零三年十二月四日 (直播)

Archbishop 奎因 discusses Christian unity and the Papacy.