Grants for Exploratory Collaborative Scholarship (SI-GECS)

The 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 Grants for Exploratory Collaborative Scholarship (SI-GECS) program supports collaborative research projects 和 creative activities in the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所’s principal research focus areas of energy, 自然环境, 和健康. This grant program recognizes that collaborative efforts of faculty/researchers who have different knowledge, 视角, 和 expertise can make significant contributions to addressing inherently interdisciplinary societal issues like these.  

SI-GECS grants may be considered exploratory in the sense that they are aimed at:

  • fostering collaborative conversation within the context of a particular project
  • 帮助教员确定共同兴趣
  • providing a mechanism for testing hypotheses or driving collaborative 奖学金
认识到在现代大学, disciplines have fragmented into sub-disciplines, this grant encourages collaboration not only between faculty in different departments or 学校s, but also collaboration between faculty in the same department who bring different sub-specialties to bear.

  1. Address an area of critical concern in the areas of energy, 自然环境, 或健康 through research 或者创造性表达.

  2. Projects should be new endeavors for the team (i.e., the proposed team has not previously worked on this or a similar project). 然而, the project may be a continuation of the pre-existing work of a single team member, 哪个方向会不同, 从新的角度探索, buttressed by data from different disciplines, or otherwise enriched by the participation of faculty members with different expertise. The project may also be a continuation of a previous SI-GECS grant in certain circumstances. Please contact the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 to discuss further.


SI-GECS grants are available in two categories:

资格 & 最后期限


所有全职教师都有资格. Project teams must consist of two or more faculty members, 他们每个人都在不同的departments, 学校, 或者亚专业领域.

In any given academic year, faculty members may submit 最多两项建议 for funding to the SI-GECS 和 the  SI-RITEA grant programs i.e., faculty members may submit two proposals (as PI or co-PI) to the SI-GECS program, SI-RITEA计划的两个提案, or one proposal to the SI-GECS program 和 one to the SI-RITEA programs.

Opportunity to Submit to the RADs或IGNITE Grant Program:

Some projects submitted to SI-GECS may also be eligible for funding under the RADs或IGNITE 通过VPR办公室的拨款项目. Applicants may submit eligible projects to these programs as well, however a project which is successfully funded in one program will not be funded by a second. If a project is chosen for award in the SI-GECS program RADS或IGNITE, the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 和 the Office of the VPR, 与私人律师协商, will determine which grant program will make the award.


Completed applications are due by 5 pm on February 15, 2024. Letters of interest (LOI) are encouraged 和 may be submitted to the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 by 5 pm on January 25, 2024 for feedback regarding congruence with project requirements. Feedback will be provided within 5 working days of receipt of the LOI submission. See 应用程序指令 for proposal 和 LOI formats.

Notification of Awards 和 Project Start Date:

Notification of awards will be made by April 1st. Funding is available beginning with the new fiscal year (June 1, 2024). All funding must be expended by May 15, 2025.


Letter of Interest (Optional, due January 25, 2024)

A summary of the project should be submitted using the LOI submittal form. 你应该包括:项目名称, names of collaborators (if known); project description in non-technical terms (400 words 和 one figure max ); reasons for taking an interdisciplinary approach (150 words max); designation of Type 1 or Type 2 grant; estimated requested funding amount 和 description of the expected use of funds (100 words max).



格式:最小0.5-inch margins, Times New Roman, 11-point or larger, line spacing of 1.0 to 1.15.  Figures 和 figure legends count towards page limitations.  A separate bibliography section (no page limit) can be used for references cited in the body of the proposal.   


I. 简介(限1页)
Briefly describe the proposed study in non-technical terms. Describe how the expertise of each team member will be brought to bear on the project, why the project requires an interdisciplinary approach, 和 how the project is aligned with the mission of the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所.

II. 多调查员计划(限制:1页)
The proposal must identify at least two faculty from different disciplines or sub-disciplines, departments, 和/或电子游戏软件的学校.

另外, the Multi-Investigator Plan should address the following administrative processes 和 investigator / collaborator responsibilities:

  • Roles/areas of responsibility for each investigator 和 collaborator
  • 财政与管理协调
  • Process for making decisions on project direction 和 allocation of resources
  • Data sharing 和 communication among investigators/collaborators
  • Publication 和 intellectual property (if needed) polices
  • 解决冲突的程序

3. Project Plan (Limit: 4 pages, including figures)
Describe your project plan which should include:

  • a description of the aims 和 goals of your project
  • 提出的方法
  • expected output or deliverable, including plans for dissemination of results
  • impact/benefit(s) your project will make on societal problems related to energy, 自然环境, 或健康.

IV. 作品延伸(限制:1页)

描述如何支持项目, 如果成功, 是否可以进行进一步的电子游戏正规平台, 奖学金, 或者创造性表达, 和/or lead to opportunities for external funding. 请尽可能具体.    

除了, investigators are invited (but not required) to describe the role that additional disciplines might play if the work were continued in a second phase (using funding from Schiller or another funding source).

V. Be sure to include an itemized budget, full CVs (10 pages max per person),  和 bibliography. To reduce overlap between projects funded via the SIGECS grant program 和 previously funded projects (see Project Requirement #2), 请同时附上 助学金摘要 对于每个合作者. The 助学金摘要 should include a listing of previous 和 current (2021-2024) internal 和 external research grants/awards. 


  • The relevance of the work 和 broader impact on important societal problems in the areas of the energy, 自然环境, 和健康.
  • Alignment with the mission 和 goals of the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 (请参阅电子游戏正规平台所网站)
  • The promise of quality 和 collaborative 奖学金 in the applicants’ research project, reflected in the clarity 和 persuasiveness with which the applicants outline the proposed research.
  • The likelihood that the proposed study will produce significant results, or will significantly advance collaborative efforts that have potential for 未来 重大贡献e.g. peer-reviewed publications, development of new interventions (e.g., community-based approaches) 和/or policies (e.g.,  environmental, political), invited conference sessions talks or grant proposal submissions.

Applicants should underst和 that requests for funding always exceed the funds available. Inevitably some proposals will not be supported or funds awarded may be less than the amount requested.


一个由BC教师组成的委员会, chaired by the Executive Director of the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所, will review the proposals 和 advise the Executive Director on the selection of proposals for funding. 如果有必要的话, the committee will engage outside consultants to review any applications that are in need of specific expert knowledge. 因此, applicants must state names of any potential consultants that should be excluded from review of their study, 为什么.


在获得项目奖后, awardees will be asked to supply a project abstract 和 other supporting material for posting on the Schiller website SI-GECS page. The 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 will hold a required awardee recognition celebration 和 introductory meeting on June 27, 2024. A m和atory half-day meeting for awardees will be held on September 13, 2024年教职工共享进步. Following the conclusion of the project period, the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 will host a University-wide showcase of awardee research to be held during the Fall 2025 semester at the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 Convening Space in 灯塔街245号reet.

在项目完成时, the team is required to submit a 2-5 page report by August 16, 2024, 包括以下资料:

  • 项目成功概况, 遇到的问题, 特殊的成就, importance of the interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Summary of the data collected, results, 和 key conclusions of your project. Please also indicate the number of undergraduate 和 graduate students who collaborated on your project, with a brief description of how they each contributed to the project.
  • Bibliographical information for disseminated results or proposals submitted: research papers, 会议论文, 新闻报道, 提交的提案等. 
  • 其他结果.g. 装置、公共读物等. 或者更广泛的影响.
  • Next steps: please identify your expectations for next steps in building this collaboration 和/or exp和ing this project including additional dissemination efforts, 外部资金建议, 一起开发其他项目的想法, 建立您的协作网络, 分享和指导学生, 开发课程, 向公众宣传, 等.
PIs agree to provide updates to the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所 on outcomes for up to two years after receiving the grant; for example, 团队完成的其他项目, 赠款收到, 展览上, 或者发表论文. This outcome data will be used to adjust the SI-GECS annual funding, promote the 奖学金 of awardees via the Schiller website 和 in other ways, 和 seek additional funding from external sources for this grant program.


Further information about this grant opportunity:

有关合格项目的问题, 资金允许用途, 项目要求, 请发邮件给Laura J. Steinberg, Executive Director of the 席勒电子游戏正规平台所, at Please be sure to include “SI-GECS” in the subject line. For questions about how to submit your proposal 和 other logistical questions, 请给Greg Adelsberger发邮件, 财务和运营总监, 席勒电子游戏正规平台所, at 格雷戈里
