The following resources – many from a faith perspective – can help in better understanding racial injustice and the importance of anti-Black racism work in the United States and, in particular, at Boston College. Our Jesuit, 天主教徒的身份要求我们更加细心, 在一个被种族主义伤害的世界里,反思和爱. 并非详尽无遗, 这个清单表明,我们每个人都是在不同的时间点开始这个对话的. We hope something you find here may help in your work to build a community that upholds the dignity of the person and affirms that Black Lives Matter.

Preaching from Sr. Thea's Kitchen

Servant of God, Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA (1937–1990) championed a universal invitation to preaching as members of the Body of Christ. 鲍曼以将天主教传统与黑人精神结合而闻名. 校园事工正在介绍牧师的讲道. 西娅的厨房中心和扩大黑人的声音和经验. This series will offer reflections from the BC Community about the intersection of scripture and Ignatian spirituality with racial justice. 正如鲍曼的欢乐部所宣称的那样,黑色是美丽的!

University Resources


所有的主要信仰都在不列颠哥伦比亚省, we offer many opportunities for students to learn more about their own faith traditions, 一起庆祝和礼拜, 并加入与他人的团契, 在校园里和社区服务中心都有.

African & 非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台

介绍了历史, cultures, and experiences of African descended peoples to students; supports academic research; gives students opportunities to examine African legacies; links local Black communities with BC; and communicates the significance of people of African descent.

Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心

支持本科生社区,特别关注AHANA, multicultural, multiracial, and OTE students.

Compass Mentoring

AHANA大一新生可以与高年级导师交流, develop friendships, and gain a strong sense of community as they navigate their first semester of college through the Compass Mentoring Program.


Supports the University's mission by promoting a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion for all members of the community.


Affinity Groups bring together individuals with common interests to facilitate efforts that promote education and awareness while helping advance and sustain a campus culture and climate that welcomes diversity and inclusiveness.

Featured Resources

作为对布法罗枪击案的回应, New York on Saturday, May 14, 2022, 伊格内蒂团结网络编制了一份关于种族主义的资源清单, gun violence, 以及天主教关于和平与正义的教义.

# BlackCatholic教学大纲
由Dr .. Tia Noelle Pratt. This syllabus prioritizes the work of Blacks in order to center the voice of Black Catholics in creation of their own narrative. The document is for those who want to learn and think critically about issues such as: anti-Black systemic racism; white supremacy; racial justice; anti-racism; #BlackLivesMatter; the impact these issues have on the Church, and moving from individual level to organizational/institutional level thinking about these issues.

Countering Racism
反对白人至上主义的神学资源, anti-blackness and racial injustice from the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church network.

U.S. Catholic offers a list of resources – many from prominent Black Catholic theologians, historians, and writers, 和其他学习的人一起, write, 并讲授种族主义的遗留问题. The document contains resources introducing racial justice; the intersection of racial justice and faith; articles and interviews; church documents; suggested race scholars to follow; books for parents, 以及可能的下一步.

Lead Me, Guide Me
Sr. 西娅·鲍曼在1987年的出版中发挥了重要作用 《电子游戏正规平台》. This was the first hymnal of its kind and served to inculturate and animate the faith of Black Catholics. In the hymnal, Sr. 西娅把非裔美国人圣歌的礼物描述为整体的, participatory, spirit-filled, and life-giving. In honor of November's Black Catholic History month and the gift of African American sacred song, 校园事工录了赞美诗中的几首歌. 点击下面从“提升每一个声音”开始的播放列表:

沙利文·麦考密克,S.J., '15, 考虑他作为一个失败的白人男性所接受的建议, sinned, 并且在关于种族的对话中继续增长."

Fr. Bryan Massingale是福特汉姆大学的神学教授. 他是《电子游戏正规平台》一书的作者.

Breath & Fire
圣灵推动我们走向种族正义,神学教授M. Shawn Copeland.

Olga Segura is the author of the forthcoming book Birth of a Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church.

‘How long, O Lord?《电子游戏正规平台》第13篇是美国黑人的呐喊
Mario Powell, S.J., '03, writes in America about the sin of racism and the proximity required for change to be enacted.

Ángel弗洛雷斯Fontánez, S.J.,讨论了那些从事反种族主义工作的人的未来之路.

Racial equity is an interfaith movement, writes Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core.

Revisiting Racism
Dr. M. Shawn Copeland looks at Black theology and its history of oppression within Christianity.


Further Reading

The lists below include dozens of books – many from BIPOC authors and creatives – that look at multiple themes connecting to anti-racism work.

反种族主义的阅读清单, Ibram X. Kendi

这些书可以帮助你向你的孩子解释种族主义和抗议, Jessica Grose

这个关于种族主义的书籍、电影和播客列表只是一个开始,而不是万灵药, Isabella Rosario


Black Faith Matters
这个短片分享了这种快乐, pain and struggles that are faced in the Black Catholic community in the Treme area of New Orleans. 虽然在新奥尔良的经历是独一无二的, filmmakers note, it is relatable to Black Catholics – specifically African American Catholics – throughout America. Learn more about the documentary.

Bishop George V. Murry IFTJ Keynote
已故主教乔治五世. Murry, S.J.曾任美国天主教主教反种族主义委员会主席. 他在2018年伊格纳爵家庭正义宣讲会上发表了主题演讲.

Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDden, is a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and former executive director of Pax Christi USA. She gave a keynote on racial justice at the 2017 依纳爵家庭座谈会 for Justice.

Fr. Bryan Massingale, author of “Racial Justice and the Catholic Church” and Professor of Theology at Fordham University, joins America's National Correspondent Michael O'Loughlin for a conversation on racism, 白人特权以及教会能做些什么来解决这些问题.

Fr. Massingale speaks on “法师与正义” at the 2017 依纳爵家庭座谈会 for Justice.

The Other America
The Rev. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. addresses race, poverty and economic justice in the United States during a 1967 speech at Stanford University.

For 21 days, we challenge you to enter into the complex work of understanding the realities of racial injustice and anti-Blackness in the U.S. 伊格纳提种族平等挑战是为所有参与者设计的, regardless of race, ethnicity, 之前的反种族主义工作, 年龄或背景,包括学习机会, pray, 并就种族平等的不同主题采取行动.

Resources from NETWORK, a Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace.

BC Libraries
University librarians have put together learning resources and ways you can be engaged in remote anti-racism work given the realities of COVID-19.

来自依纳爵灵性网络的资源, which educates and forms advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions.

NETWORK offers a guide of spiritual content to examine white privilege and systemic racism that can be valuable for all people, but particularly white individuals looking to deepen their understanding of how race functions in society.

"Know Justice, “了解和平:耶稣会反种族主义撤退”是一系列的12场演讲, podcast, 和《电子游戏软件》的文章,继续向反种族主义转变的过程.


红衣主教Seán O 'Malley, OFM, Cap.波士顿大主教