BC Social Fellows

Each year, BC邀请一小群学生通过社交媒体与全球观众分享电子游戏软件的经历. The Social Fellows are a talented group of photographers, videographers, and curators who document the sights and sounds across campus, throughout the city, and around the world, from the extraordinary to the everyday.

电子游戏软件所有学院的本科生都有这个实习机会. 我们诚邀具备创造优秀数字内容的天赋,并对学习更多社交媒体知识感兴趣的学生参加 apply through the Office of University Communications.



I love BC Social graphic

All Fellows Portraits by Patrick Mills '24 & Yating Wang '24

2023-24 Fellows

Audrey Mitchell '24

Audrey is a communication major from Duxbury, MA. 如果她在玩手机,她可能正在排队听泰勒·斯威夫特的歌,或者点一杯冰咖啡. Audrey loves spending time with family and friends, plotting running routes, scouting sales, or planning her next trip. And of course, repping BC!

Emma Bittenbender '24

艾玛出生于宾夕法尼亚州韦恩市,主修传播学,辅修市场营销. 艾玛喜欢和家人一起旅行,花时间在海滩上,和朋友一起探索新的地方. In her free time, you can find Emma shopping, reading fashion blogs, working out, and trying new restaurants.

Arella Kluvitse '24

Hailing from NYC, Arella is studying computer science and marketing, as she has a passion for technology and graphic design. 你可以经常发现她在节俭或旅行(当她不学习计算机科学的时候)。. 她热爱大自然,探索新的地方,并且正在种植她的植物收藏.

Katie Hughes '24

凯蒂来自匹兹堡,主修国际电子游戏正规平台和经济学. 她是BC剧院、大学合唱团和学生招生计划的成员. Outside of the classroom, Katie enjoys traveling, learning new music, running the Res, and exploring Boston and its many restaurants.

Teresa Knestout ‘24

特蕾莎是马里兰州银泉分校的基础教育和应用心理学双学位学生. She loves taking and editing photos, running and trying out new workout classes, blasting karaoke, and traveling. 特蕾莎参与了学生招生计划,APPA,凯洛斯和大学合唱团.

Patrick Mills ‘24

帕特里克来自南佛罗里达,他拍了很多照片,偶尔也拍视频. For leisure, he enjoys parks, beaches, and live music.

Jordan Nakash ‘24

乔丹来自牙买加金斯敦,主修经济学和传播学双学位. 她参与了加勒比文化俱乐部,学生电子游戏软件计划和PATU. 如果她不是在看足球比赛失声,她可能在做饭或烘焙. She loves all things food, music, dance, and BC!

Yashi Phougat ‘24

Yashi来自印第安纳州fisher,主修传播学,辅修金融. While studying in London, 她正在融入英国文化,同时通过听乡村音乐保持自己的美国血统 & watching the Patriots. Yashi adores Taylor Swift, even getting a tattoo of one of her songs!

Abby Slimmon ‘24

艾比来自芝加哥,主修传播学,辅修市场营销. 除了电子游戏正规平台员身份,她还是BC餐饮营销实习生和4Boston负责人. You might find her at a country music concert in Boston, playing tennis with friends, or on a daily res walk listening to audio books.

Molly Bardong ‘25

Molly is a Long Island native majoring in communication. When she’s not studying, there’s a good chance she’s with friends driving around, at the beach, or enjoying a concert. 她几乎用抖音思考,喜欢为其他BC学生制作内容!

Sarah Dansreau '25

萨拉是生物学和公共卫生双学位的学生,她在马萨诸塞州的欣厄姆长大. She spends her summers on Cape Cod where she loves to go to the beach, watch the sun set, and explore new places. 莎拉还喜欢旅游、购物、与朋友共度时光以及在新开的餐馆吃饭.

Sophia Faherty ‘25

索菲亚从新泽西州里奇伍德来到这里,学习沟通和市场营销. 她的爱好包括长跑、滑雪和尝试新的烘焙食谱. Outside of school, you can find her at the beach, spending time with family and friends, or blasting Taylor Swift in the car.

Annabel Halloran ‘25

Annabel is on the pre-law track studying international studies. She’s from River Forest, IL, and loves to cheer on the White Sox. When she’s not hanging out with friends & 家人,她听泰勒·斯威夫特,去跑步,或两者兼而有之! Annabel loves spending time in the Stokes Amphitheater.

Beatrice Hesse ‘25

比阿特丽斯正在学习沟通、应用心理学和管理学. She comes to the Heights from Chicago, where she loves to walk along the lakefront and cheer on the Cubs. In her free time, 她喜欢和DOBC跳舞,给她的朋友和她喜欢的东西拍有趣的照片.

Sarah Kadlick ‘25

Sarah is a psychology major, coming to the Heights from Norwalk, CT. 在空闲时间,她喜欢唱歌,和朋友一起跑步,经营她的小珠宝生意. You can find her spinning at the Rec Center, working in O’Neill, or enjoying a cheesy Caprese panini at Hillside!

Olivia Landolfi ‘25

Liv is a communication major from Franklin Lakes, NJ. Some of her hobbies include taking and editing photos, singing, playing guitar (especially Taylor Swift songs), writing, and skiing. 她喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光,总是建议去大城市游玩!

Jaiden Nicholson ‘25

杰登主修心理学和非洲及非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台双学位. From the Bronx, he loves to play basketball and chess. 他在高中开始接触摄影,主要拍摄时尚, sports, and events with his camera ever since.

Madeleine Scalise ‘25

Madeleine is from the Chicago suburbs, majoring in communication. In her free time, she's walking the reservoir, listening to country music, in line at the Chocolate Bar, or strolling Newbury Street. 玛德琳最兴奋的是她的第二次APPA旅行,和朋友们共度美好时光!

Saron Yared '25

萨隆来自达拉斯-沃斯堡地区,主修电影电子游戏正规平台和传播学. 她是AHANA+领导委员会成员,也是埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚学生协会的活动协调员. 她还在大学传播办公室担任视频实习生.

Ellie Ascione ‘26

埃莉来自马萨诸塞州贝尔蒙特,主修传播学,辅修市场营销. She loves being with friends and family, cooking, and traveling. A few of her BC favorites include res walks, game days, and all of the traditions like Convocation and Marathon Monday.

Macy Cherra ‘26

梅西来自堪萨斯城,主修传播学,辅修市场营销. When she is not taking photos, you can find her watching a Royals or Chiefs game, drinking coffee, or spending time with her friends and family.

Will Doerr ‘26

Will hails from Milwaukee, majoring in marketing and finance. 他是营销学院执行董事会成员和中西部协会成员. 他喜欢去波士顿旅行、购物、逛咖啡店、和朋友们出去玩. He's passionate about skiing and photography as well.

William Kelly ‘26

威廉来自马萨诸塞州米尔顿,主修传播学,辅修市场营销和法语. He loves cooking, playing with his dog, and driving in his Jeep. 你总能看到他每天在Res散步,一手拿着印度拿铁,一手拿着胶卷相机!

Julianne Nguyen ‘26

来自新罕布什尔州温德姆的Julianne主修护理,辅修心理学. 她喜欢看日落、拍照和去海滩. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢旅游,寻找美食,和朋友出去玩.

Audrey Chang '27

Audrey is a psychology major and art minor from Coastal Mississippi. 当她没有和朋友一起喝咖啡的时候,她会看棒球,听Mt. Joy, or taking pics for BC's yearbook Sub Turri and the Fellows. She love creating gifts, driving along the beach, and reading outside.

Jackson Fiore '27

Jackson, a political science major, hails from Ridgefield, CT. He loves late night talks with friends, relaxing with his cats, and of course, snapping photos of the things and people he loves. 如果你看到他戴着耳机,很有可能他在听《电子游戏软件》.

Liana Sanchez '27

Liana来自新泽西州伯克利海茨,主修市场营销和传播双学位. 她是舞蹈团的成员,坚强的女人坚强的女孩,和学生招生计划. You can find her admiring Gasson, enjoying late night at Stu, or keeping up with pop culture news on the Newton bus.

Isabelle Soderlund '27

伊莎贝尔是南佛罗里达人,主修传播学,辅修市场营销和英语. You can usually find her with a book or camera in hand. In her downtime, Izzy enjoys walks around the reservoir, working out with friends and playing her guitar (Usually, Taylor Swift).

Student Photo Team

Yating Wang

Yating Wang ‘24


Laura holding camera

Laura Seifert '24


Alice holding pumpkin

Alice O’Connell ‘24


Julienne holding camera

Julienne King ‘25


Avital holding license plate

Avital Friedman ‘26
