The Office of 住宅生活 works to to maintain healthy living environments that allow students to flourish, 无论是学术上还是社会上. 而我们的工作人员随时可以与家长交谈, we encourage students to first discuss any concerns or questions with their Resident Assistant or Resident Director. 


常驻董事 (RDs) are full-time professional staff members with advanced degrees who live and work in the 学生宿舍. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the halls to which they are assigned, including providing support services directly to students; supervising 居民助理 (RAs); overseeing all educational, 社会, operational activities; and adjudicating student discipline cases.


居民助理 (RAs) are full-time students who live in the residence halls and are each responsible for a particular floor of residents. 他们提供支持, 作为学生的资源, 协调社会和教育项目, 并作为员工相互合作,在宿舍内执行大学的政策.


Graduate Ministers (GM) are full-time graduate students who are assigned to a first-year community on Chestnut Hill, Newton or Brookline Campus and work directly with the students and hall staff in that community. 总经理们是学生们的对话伙伴, are a resource and aid in connecting students with spiritual and religious life offerings available on campus and in the surrounding community, 提供祷告和反思的机会, 支持学生融入社会, 学术, 精神生活. gm也是圣·路德·金礼拜天晚上礼拜仪式的一个组成部分. 约瑟夫教堂(上校区)和三一教堂(牛顿校区). The Graduate Ministry Corps (GMC) is representative of both the Office of 住宅生活 and Campus Ministry.


Resident Ministers (RM) are full-time professionals at 电子游戏软件 who also serve in this role. 许多人也是校园牧师. 经理可以是耶稣会士, 任命部长, 宗教团体成员, 或外行牧师,他们被分配到居住社区并生活在其中. The RMs serve as conversation partners and a pastoral presence for students and the residential staff in their community, 在大厅内提供招待和祈祷的机会, and serve in a 24-hour on-call rotation to respond to students in crisis and as requested. 当与学生和员工互动时, rm支持学术, 社会, 以及社区成员的精神培育. RMs也是圣·路德·金礼拜日晚上礼拜仪式的一个组成部分. 约瑟夫教堂(上校区)和三一教堂(牛顿校区). The RMs are representatives of both the Office of 住宅生活 and Campus Ministry.


电子游戏软件住宿生活办公室的工作人员会考虑你, 父, 是我们在课堂外教育每一位学生的合作伙伴. Our focus is on the development of each individual student as they find a home here at BC.

Our most common discussions with parents are around their student’s 社会 adjustment to college life, 以及对室友和其他生活状况的担忧. We understand that the transition to college can be a difficult process for both students and parents. 你的学生在大学期间会遇到各种各样的情况, 我们希望在他们成长和发展为年轻人的过程中帮助他们.


  • While problems may arise as your student adjusts to life on campus and in the residence halls, it is important that each student take an active role in working to resolve these problems. 住宅生活 staff members are here to work directly with your student and facilitate the problem-solving process. Please realize that while we are happy to speak with you about concerns you have as a parent, 我们直接与相关学生合作是非常重要的. As your student will realize, direct and clear communication is the key to resolving most issues.
  • 室友之间的冲突总是有多个角度和观点. 在对报告的问题采取行动之前, 我们努力收集所有的观点,尽可能多地了解情况. Our staff will then work directly with the students involved to help resolve the issue. Both our professional and student staff members are trained in conflict mediation skills and can often help roommates acquire necessary listening and communication skills that will assist them throughout their years of living on campus.


Life on campus can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be trying at times. 学着和别人一起生活,尤其是和那些有着不同习惯的人, 喜欢, 而不喜欢——可能很难. 虽然这是你的学生了解他们新室友的时间, 这也是他们了解自己的时间. They will need to reflect on their own behaviors and how these actions may positively or negatively impact others.

The experience of having a roommate and making new friends can be a fundamental part of each student’s college education. It is a learning experience that will allow them to share their own experiences and gain insights from others as they form friendships and bonds in their community. 室友的经历可以是成功和愉快的, 但这需要努力, 妥协, 还有室友双方的理解. We encourage you to help your son or daughter as they manage the emotions that accompany living with a non-family member for the first time. 


  • 谈论想法和感受,而不仅仅是“事情”.”
  • 诚实地表达你的感觉,喜欢和不喜欢.
  • 愿意妥协, but know on which issues you will not 妥协 and on which you are willing to negotiate.
  • 给 your roommate the respect, consideration, and understanding you expect in return.
  • 设定谈话的“基调”, and set aside the appropriate amount of time for a complete conversation (five minutes before class is not the time for a heart-to-heart).
  • 和室友讨论室友的问题, RA, 或仅限研发, 而不是随便一个路过的人.


在共享的生活环境中,问题是不可避免的. Your student’s success will be determined by how they respond to these conflicts—not on their ability to avoid conflicts. Our 住宅生活 staff members are here to assist each student as they sort through issues and concerns.


学生们必须自己解决这些问题. Although you may be tempted to take care of the problem for them by contacting 住宅生活 staff, 的室友, 或者室友的家人, this will not help your student learn to deal with similar situations in the future.

除了, 如果你觉得你必须以某种方式介入, 我们要求您不要在学生不知情的情况下这样做. 在几乎所有的情况下, 为了成功地解决这个问题, 你的学生必须参与其中. 这是他们自己教育经历的一部分. 帮助他们走出困境, 但允许他们找到自己的道路,发出自己的声音.

If your son or daughter needs assistance in dealing with a difficult roommate situation, 鼓励他们与住宿协会或住校主任交谈. 当你的学生打电话问你室友的问题时, 与他或她分享以下建议可能会有所帮助:

  • 确保你掌握了事实真相.
  • 要温柔,但要直接. 你拖得越久才去面对问题,问题就会变得越糟.
  • 预料到一些防守,甚至可能在对峙之后. 给你的室友一个机会去思考你说的话.
  • Don’t cloud the issue by checking with everyone else on the floor before you give feedback to your roommate.
  • 只代表你自己说话.
  • 确保你准备好讨论可能针对你的批评. 保持开放的心态,记住你们可能都需要妥协.
  • 保持冷静,不要让情绪控制自己. 像愤怒这样的情绪只会使情况升级. 如果你感觉不平静, 或者感觉到愤怒正在影响你进行富有成效的对话的能力, 停下来,重新安排一个谈话的时间. 或者,让你的助理帮助促进对话.
  • 听室友的话. 每个人都想被倾听, and only by listening to your roommate’s point of view can you understand and better resolve any conflict.

住宅生活 will not take action or move students until all perspectives have been heard. Encourage your son or daughter to seek the help of the Residence Hall staff when a difficult situation arises.