的 ISR and its staff participate in numerous outreach and educational activities, from volunteering at local elementary schools to organizing international conferences and workshops for developing countries around the world. 下面显示了几个示例.



电子游戏软件’s 科学电子游戏正规平台所 (ISR) and the Abdus Salam International Centre for 的oretical Physics (ICTP) have joined together to host a workshop on Satellite Navigation Science and Technology for Africa. 

工作坊由Patricia Doherty设计和指导, 电子游戏软件科学电子游戏正规平台所所长, 和桑德罗·兰蒂奇拉, ICTP无线电传播实验室的负责人.  的 focus of the workshop was to provide education to African university professors and graduate students on the use of 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS) for social and economic development in Africa.

Africa's Science and Technology Plan of Action clearly states Africa's commitment to develop and use science and technology for socio-economic transformation and full integration into the world economy.  的 leading socio-economic problems that continue to cripple much of Africa include hunger, 极端贫困, 自然资源的侵蚀和自然灾害.  全球卫星导航系统(GNSS), 例如全球定位系统(GPS), are a space technology that can help address these problems and ultimately meet the goals of Africa’s Science and Technology Plan of Action. 

具体地说, 全球导航卫星系统应用可用于加强粮食安全, 管理自然资源, 提供高效的紧急定位服务, 加强测绘工作, 并在陆地上提供更高的精度和安全性, 水上和空中导航系统.  It also has applications in numerous fields of scientific study including space weather, 地球物理学, 地理位置, 地质, 生态学与生物学. 

的 venue for the workshop was the Abdus Salam International Centre for 的oretical Physics on March 23 - April 9, 2009.  ICTP是一个位于意大利的里雅斯特的国际组织.  ICTP由两个联合国机构赞助, 联合国教育, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  ICTP’s mission is to foster advanced studies and research, especially in developing countries.  因此,这个工作坊的地点是一个合乎逻辑的选择.


来自非洲的大约50名与会者参加了讲习班.  的y included university professors and graduate students from 9 countries including Cote d’Ivoire, 埃及, 埃塞俄比亚, 加纳, 肯尼亚, 摩洛哥, 尼日利亚, 乌干达, 和赞比亚.  讲座嘉宾包括超过25位来自美国和欧洲的全球导航卫星系统专家.  支持研讨会的电子游戏软件ISR成员包括克里斯·布里奇伍德, 查理·卡里诺, 苏珊延迟, Gopi Seemala, 塞萨尔Valladares, 和帕特里夏·多尔蒂.

的 workshop integrated formal lectures with hands-on practice in GNSS architecture, 信号结构, 硬件设计, 利用全球导航卫星系统进行最先进的应用和科学探索.  An on-site computer laboratory gave participants ample opportunities to perform positioning calculations; to use mapping and surveying software; to plan a precision farming procedure; and to analyze atmospheric and ionospheric data – all from GPS measurements. 

除了, participants built LEGO Mindstorm robots to demonstrate the basics of autonomous navigation.  令人惊讶的是,这是许多参与者第一次看到乐高玩具.  的y also utilized single-frequency GPS receivers in a treasure hunt that was creatively planned by our instructors.  在这场狩猎中, teams of 4-5 participants departed at 10 minute increments to navigate a course that spanned the ICTP campus.  的 winning team returned in just over an hour while other teams took much longer navigating this course.  有可能他们停下来吃了冰淇淋. 

在研讨会结束时, participants were given textbooks on GNSS and were awarded with Certificates of Completion.  他们还自豪地戴上了电子游戏软件的棒球帽!

One of the benefits of this program for the ISR was that our scientists had opportunities to discuss common interests with African scientists.  A number of ISR’s research programs utilize GPS ground and space based measurements to observe ionospheric and space weather phenomenon.  With Africa’s proximity to the magnetic equator, it is of great interest to space weather scientists.  不幸的是, studies over the African region have not been possible due to the lack of dependable, 长期测量.  This workshop enabled an opportunity to establish a base of measurements for joint studies with our African colleagues.

本次讲习班的主要赞助者包括ICTP, 电子游戏软件, 航海学会, 联邦航空管理局, the Air Force 电子游戏正规平台 Laboratory and 联合国 Office for Outer Space Affairs.  的se sponsors together with the lecturers and African participants represent a diverse collection of people who are committed to provide GNSS technology for socio-economic benefits and scientific exploration in Africa.

总的来说,研讨会似乎取得了巨大的成功.  Many of the lecturers commented that this was the most enriching teaching experience of their career.  的 African participants said that they learned a lot and were very appreciative of the opportunity to partake in this program. 

来自非洲联盟的贵宾和赞助者, 非洲经济委员会, 意大利航天局, 欧洲航天局, 航海学会, 联合国, 美国.S. 美国国务院、联邦航空管理局和美国航空管理局.S. Air Force were impressed by the program and encouraged us to continue this effort.



ISR积极支持“国际空间天气倡议”, ISWI, 推动空间气象科学的国际努力. ISWI is sponsored by 联合国 Office for Outer Space Affairs and numerous national space agencies including NASA. Our staff serve on the ISWI Steering 委员会 and lead the effort to organize the biannual workshops.

2017年的研讨会, 2007年国际太阳物理年之后的十年 在电子游戏软件举行并结束了 来自50个国家的150名与会者出席了会议. 的 2019车间 发生在的里雅斯特, 意大利, 在国际理论物理中心, 然后是 2019 Workshop on Ionospheric Forecasting for GNSS Operations in Developing Countries.

ISWI 2019

2019年国际空间天气倡议(ISWI)研讨会 本周在意大利的里雅斯特举行. 由英国广播公司ISR和ISWI共同主办 促进空间天气电子游戏正规平台方面的国际合作 鼓励新兴项目和已建立项目之间的伙伴关系. ISR 成员基思·格罗夫斯、帕特丽夏·多尔蒂和大卫·韦伯也发表了几次演讲 展示他们的成果. P. 多尔蒂还主持了关于 国家空间天气计划的成员之一 委员会.


图片由B提供. Tulegenov

的 2017 ISWI workshop took place at 电子游戏软件 with over 150 people from 50 countries in attendance. 在这里, participants relax along the Charles River after a day filled with scientific presentations and discussions.


ISR staff volunteer once a month at the Newman Elementary School in Needham to teach astronomy to 4th graders under the 天文计划. 我们的志愿者已经为纽曼工作超过15年了, with hands-on activities ranging from creating scale models of the Solar System and comets, 想象在其他星球上可能进化出什么样的生物, 建造简单的分光镜来观察光线, 举几个例子. ASTRO项目是由 太平洋天文学会 每年惠及2万多名学生及其家庭成员.



ISR员工参与 bbc的朗读节目这是一个与附近布莱顿的学校和波士顿教育合作伙伴的合作项目. 这个项目将不列颠哥伦比亚省的志愿者与托马斯爱迪生K8学校和圣. 可伦巴基尔伙伴学校. 志愿者们每月为从幼儿园到五年级的各个班级读一次书. 工作人员 bbc教育资源中心 乐意为你推荐他们的精选读物吗 儿童文学附近图书馆的图书管理员也是如此 牛顿免费图书馆.

Walking to the local schools from the Newton Campus is also a great way to get our steps in for BC大学的校园步行挑战赛 :)