Diversity in Nursing Advisory Board

CSON's commitment to diversity and inclusion is at the core of who we are: as nurses, 作为一个社区, and as men and women for others. Our Diversity in Nursing Advisory Board, comprising local and national nurse leaders, provides insight and guidance to faculty and staff in planning and implementing programs that foster a culture of inclusiveness. 


  • 帕特里夏·洛维,J.D., M.S., CDE, AVP, Office for Institutional Diversity
  • eric Berrelleza, S.J. founding dean of Messina College part Pine Manor Institute for Student Success
  • 伯特·豪厄尔, Executive 导演 of Intersections a Division of Mission and Ministry at 电子游戏软件
  • Karl Bell, 导演, Mentoring & Academic Achievement at Pine Manor Institute for Student Success
  • 瑞秋E. 斯佩克特,注册会计师,博士.D., CTN-A, FAAN, Retired associate professor at the William F. 康奈尔护理学院 and author or Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness
  • 克里斯托弗·柯文博士.D. 导演, Medical Interpreter Services, Massachusetts General Hospital 教师, The Disparities Solutions Center
  • James Hill, Founder of Java with Jimmy Podcast (WGBH)
  • 理查德·李,医学博士,博士.D., Clinical Co-导演, The Claire and John Bertucci Center for Genitourinary Cancers


  • Ted Hannigan, Clinical Placement Specialist, (CSON Staff Member)
  • Sean Sendall, Assistant Dean Graduate Enrollment and Student Services (CSON Staff Member)
  • Mary Moriarty, 导演 Nursing Continuing Education, (CSON Staff Member)
  • 艾莉森·马歇尔博士.D-C., n, m.S.N, FNP-C (CSON学院)
  • 多琳·贝尼·赫尔利,M.S.N, RN, CCRN (CSON 教师) DNA-B 教师 Fellow
  • 帕特里夏·里德·庞特,注册会计师,医学博士.N.Sc., FAAN, NEA-BC (CSON 教师)
  • 简·弗拉纳根博士.D., RN, AHN-BC, ANP-BC, FAAN (CSON 教师) DNA-B

Connell School Diversity Advisory Board Minutes and Annual Reports