丹·科奎莱特的礼物:一位院长、学者的宝藏 & 教师展览封面

珍本书室于1996年落成,以纪念丹尼尔R. Coquillette,前法学院院长(1985-1993)和J. 唐纳德·莫南,S.J. 大学教授. 他的愿景, 当房间正在建造的时候, 是一个可访问的, welcoming space in the center of the law library where students could engage with their history as members of the legal profession. His book donations comprise the core of the 珍本书室’s holdings and are used regularly for exhibitions and class visits. 

Professor Coquillette began collecting rare books in the late 1960s when he was a graduate student at Oxford University. His Fulbright scholarship included a £2000 book stipend that was a “use or lose it” perk. He started visiting booksellers in Oxford and London and caught the collecting bug. 他继续收集, Professor Coquillette’s primary goal became acquiring books that working lawyers in England would have owned in the 15th-18th centuries. 的se were not books to be gazed at upon a shelf but instead were crucial to the everyday practice of law. 这包括年鉴、案例报告、表格书和论文. 其他的捐赠涵盖了罗马法等各种各样的主题, 弗朗西斯•培根 和英国平民. 

展览由劳雷尔·戴维斯策划. 它将一直展出到2024年秋季. 珍本书室平日上午9点开放.m.–5:00 p.m. 的 展览目录 可下载.

Daniel R. Coquillette珍本书屋


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