
The 社会学 department offers four graduate programs, including the Ph.D. 硕士学位,学士学位.A.-M.A. program, and graduate coursework for non-degree seeking students, classified as Special. The programs, brief descriptions, and instructions on how to apply are listed below. 请注意, 国际学生 有额外的需求. M申请.A. 和Ph值.D. 每年只复习一次.

For more information on program requirements, see the 电子游戏正规平台生手册.

有关以下未涵盖的招生信息,请联系电子游戏正规平台生招生主任, 温的粉丝.


We cover tuition and pay a stipend for all active Ph.D. 学生最长五年.



Ph值.D. 该计划提供严格的培训,进行理论知情,社会相关的电子游戏正规平台. Most graduates go on to academic jobs; however, many also go on to careers as researchers and decision makers in business, 公营部门, 非营利组织. 录取的主要标准是学习成绩和出色的独立工作的前景.


The Master's degree is particularly suitable for students planning to subsequently apply to Ph.D. 为在学院和电子游戏正规平台型大学从事学术教学做准备的课程, 虽然它对有兴趣在应用环境中实践社会学的学生也很有用.g., academic administration or policy research).



Students who wish to do non-degree coursework may apply as special students. Special students may enroll for no more than 6 hours of course work in any given semester, 并且应该在上课的第一天之前联系他们想要注册的课程的教授, 以确认权限. (International students are not eligible to be admitted as special students.)