Faculty News Archive

Peter Krause is organizing the Northeast Middle East Politics Workshop, 电子游戏软件将于3月31日至4月1日首次举行哪一场. 研讨会汇集了35-40位中东政治领域的顶尖学者,对他们正在进行的电子游戏正规平台进行介绍和评论. 周四晚上会有一场公开讲座和讨论由一些学者就当前的中东问题进行讨论, March 30. Professor Krause's book Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win will be published in April with Cornell University Press. 这本书解释了为什么一些民族运动使用暴力并实现了独立国家,而另一些则没有. He compares the Palestinian, Zionist, Algerian, and Irish national movements over time, based on years of fieldwork he conducted in each country, 以及对每个运动的150多名主要成员的采访.

podcast interview about Dana Sajdi's book, 大马士革的理发师:18世纪奥斯曼黎凡特的新文化(斯坦福大学出版社)由奥斯曼历史播客出版,并被编辑选为2016年最佳10个播客之一.

Frank Salameh published a new book, 查尔斯·康姆:一本关于二十世纪黎巴嫩“年轻腓尼基人”的知识分子传记 (Lexington, 2015). 他目前还在编辑另一本书,计划于今年春天出版, titled 另一个中东:现代黎凡特文学选集 (Yale University Press, 2017.) He also gave a talk at Jerusalem’s Ben Zvi Institute on a topic from his current research, 这是一个记录20世纪早期黎巴嫩犹太人历史的“记忆项目”. He also published three essays on this same topic in Middle Eastern Studies, and the Journal of the Middle East and Africa in collaboration with his Undergraduate Research Fellow, and ICS major and Boston College Presidential Scholar, Hagop Toghramadjian.

在《电子游戏正规平台》(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)上回应一篇专栏文章,该专栏声称“恐怖主义与伊斯兰教有很大关系”。, Jonathan Laurence 认为当今欧洲伊斯兰教的病态是一个世纪错误的一种余震(Germanand English).The Economist subsequently discussed the piece online. 他还为法国电视台评论了特朗普总统的就职典礼 BFM from Washington, DC. His forthcoming book, 面对失败:逊尼派伊斯兰教、罗马天主教与现代国家 (Princeton), is due to be published next year.

Kathleen Bailey 是否曾获得电子游戏软件文理学院的大笔资助,以组织一场关于阿富汗未来的会议. The conference is scheduled for April 24, 2015, and will include panels on the themes of security; media and youth; women, health and education; regional issues. Conference proceedings will be published. 贝利教授也是OIP/McGillycuddy-Logue中心杰出教师奖的获得者, 授予一名在促进校园全球编程方面表现出深刻和持续承诺的教员.

David DiPasquale 2014年夏季完成了两本书的手稿,目前正在剑桥大学出版社接受审查。 阿拉法拉比与伊斯兰哲学的起点——对伊斯兰哲学的电子游戏正规平台 Kitab al-Jadal (Book of Dialectic), a super-commentary on Alfarabi's study of Aristotle's Topics, including first English translation of the entire Arabic text; and An Introduction to Alfarabi's Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, 这是对阿尔法拉比基础哲学文本的第一次逐行评论, 根据新的手稿来源,对标准的马赫迪(康奈尔)翻译进行了修订. DiPasquale教授最近还完成了几篇文章:“Averroes: Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd”.” Published in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought (ed. Michael T. Gibbons [Wiley-Blackwell]: 2014); “Averroes and the Politics of Health and Sickness in The Decisive Treatise.” Completed this summer and submitted toThe Review of Politics; 《电子游戏软件》 Rhetoric.” Manuscript completed this summer. To be included in forthcoming Festschrift in honor of Charles E. Butterworth; and “The Place of Human Beings in Roger Bacon’s De multiplicatione specierum: A Chapter on the Optics of Latin Averroism.” Manuscript largely completed this summer; for spring 2015 submission.

Peter Krause 最近发表了几篇文章:《电子游戏正规平台》,” International Security, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Winter 2014), 72-116; Podcast with MIT Press, www.mitpressjournals.org (January 17, 2014); “Power, Violence, and the Outcomes of National and Insurgent Movements,” blog post in Political Violence @ a Glance (March 5, 2014); “The ‘Price’ of Radical Flanks and the Conflict in Gaza,” with Ehud Eiran, Washington Post, Monkey Cage, July 11, 2014. 克劳斯教授最近还被任命为国际安全计划的电子游戏正规平台员, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, 2014-2015, and gave a number of presentations: “Syria and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” The Chilton Club, September 2014; “The Algerian National Movement: Struggling to Hegemony,” Northeast Middle East Politics Workshop, University of Vermont, April 2014; “The Crisis in Syria: War, Politics, and Confusion,” Middle East and Islamic Studies Students Association, January 2014.

Franck Salameh 在中东和非洲电子游戏正规平台协会做了一次报告, October 30-November 1, 2014, entitled 贝鲁特犹太社区与二十世纪初黎巴嫩民族主义 (基于目前一本电子游戏正规平台黎巴嫩犹太人的书). Salameh教授最近还发表了一些文章和评论: The Lebanese Prophecy,” al-Majalla, July 2014; “Trampled in Abraham’s Dust; The Destruction of Near Eastern Christianity,” The Jerusalem Post, July 25, 2014; “The Lights are Dimmer over Middle East Studies Tonight,”The Jerusalem Post, June 25, 2014. He also gave an interview, “阿拉伯语的三打方言如何帮助(或阻碍)中东和平,” the University of Oklahoma Public Radio, September 5, 2014.

James Morris 最近参加了一些公开讲座和研讨会:旧金山大学, April 10-11, 2015. National Conference on Teaching of Islam at U.S. Jesuit Colleges and Universities. Public lecture: 海外留学在宗教电子游戏正规平台中的核心作用:可能性与挑战 苏非文化节,信息之家,新黎巴嫩,纽约,2014年11月15-16日. Public lecture and workshop: 冥想与宗教间理解:彼尔·维拉亚特的贡献 New York, Sufi Books, October 25, 2014. Public lecture and workshop: Dream, 梦游与觉醒:伊本·阿拉比论神性“电影”的奥秘及其对人的反思 Iranian Cultural Institute, Sadra哲学学院(雅加达)和Gadjah Mada大学(UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), June 16, 2014. 基督教和伊斯兰教的末世论与当代问题研讨会. Public Lecture: “被提”与“再临”:美国宗教文化中的启示与弥赛亚主义,第19期th Century to the Present; National Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga and American Institute for Indonesian Studies, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, June 19, 2014. Public Lecture and faculty seminar: "重新思考伊斯兰学习与社会之间的界面:终身创新的教育"; New York, Cerrahi Sufi Cultural Center, February 15, 2014. Public lecture and workshop: Sohbet:分享,亲密和精神实现的奥秘.