
By the successful completion of a semester of First-Year Writing, students will be able to demonstrate:

By the successful completion of their 文学的核心 course, students will be able to demonstrate:

  • an ability to close-read, interpret, and analyze texts;
  • 书写清晰的能力, 连贯的, 有组织的, grammatically correct and stylistically competent prose;
  • an awareness of literary genres and terminology;
  • a recognition of the historical and cultural specificity of literary texts; and
  • an appreciation of the human imagination.

By the successful completion of the 英语 major at BC, students will be able to demonstrate:

  • 书写清晰的能力, 连贯的, 有组织的, and stylistically correct papers;
  • an ability to close-read, interpret, and analyze texts (including poetic texts);
  • a knowledge of literary genres and appropriate use of critical terminology;
  • a recognition of the historical specificity of literary works and/or other cultural products;
  • an awareness that there are a variety of critical approaches to literary and cultural texts.

The 英语 MA program at 电子游戏软件 provides students a challenging intellectual experience that maintains a core focus on exploring the richness of literary study. It also offers plentiful opportunities to acquire skills applicable to a wide range of academic and professional settings. Through their course of study, candidates should be able to:

  • 仔细阅读课文;
  • 写作能力更强;
  • demonstrate familiarity with varied and current theoretical approaches;
  • gain more knowledge about advanced research practices;
  • attain a thorough understanding of historical periodization.

The 英语 MA program is explicitly designed to be a two-year standalone degree program. 第二年, selected applicants have the opportunity to design and teach their own college writing course both semesters, 为此他们接受培训, 教师指导, and ongoing support and instruction. Students also have the opportunity to work with accomplished faculty in literature courses, gaining hands-on experience teaching literature, administering complex assignments, 设计具体的课程.


  • Write academic articles and reviews at the scholarly level in informed, intelligible prose.
  • 电子游戏正规平台, design and be examined on two long reading lists in major and minor fields of literary study of their construction and choice.
  • Demonstrate mastery of an individual chronological or national literary field of their choice.
  • Choose or define a question in their chosen field of literary study, and write an effective dissertation on it.
  • Teach effectively courses in 英语, both at the introductory and advanced level, 在社区大学, 四年制大学, 或者大学环境.
  • Publish their research in peer-reviewed journals and present papers at conferences.
  • Secure an academic or teaching position.