The six-course (18 or more credits) 美国电子游戏正规平台 minor allows you to take classes centering on American culture in 英语, 历史, 社会学, 美术, 政治科学, 心理学, 剧院, 以及其他部门, 还有其他未成年人的交叉课, such as Women's Studies and African and African Diaspora Studies. To officially register for the minor, email the Assistant 项目负责人 劳伦Crockett-Girard at 劳伦





正如课程列表所示, 副修是严格的跨学科, meaning that it requires one to think beyond the disciplinary range of any single department. Under the general rubric of analyzing American culture past and present, 美国电子游戏正规平台 minors investigate such overarching subjects as the effect of city life on cultural expression and social organization; the historical interaction of class, 性别, 比赛, and ethnicity; how forms of high culture, 流行文化, and mass media interpret and shape historical transformation; the character of mass migration within and across national borders; the development of borderlands, 以及美国帝国的问题.

The introduction to culture-shaping and often hotly contested issues in American life afforded by the 美国电子游戏正规平台 小 provides a student with a good preparation for careers in law, 教学, 政府, 新闻, 还有很多其他职业. Since interdisciplinary work is now a standard feature of graduate education, this minor also provides an essential preparation in working in cultural analysis across the humanities and social sciences.

You may have already enrolled in one or more courses which you might be able to “grandfather” into the minor. We now offer an interdisciplinary "美国电子游戏正规平台概论" course (ENGL 2277), 美国电子游戏正规平台的未成年人需要.


Like other minors, 美国电子游戏正规平台 consists of six courses (18 or more credits). 有两门必修课:1)engl2277, 美国电子游戏正规平台导论或英语2278,  美国文化:包容差异与正义,  2)高级研讨会, 拍摄于大四的秋天或春天. 学生不能同时计算ENGL 2277和ENGL 2278, but either may be taken to fulfill the intro course requirement. Students must take courses in two departments outside of their major for the minor. Three of your five other courses leading up to the senior seminar must be clustered around a common theme in an area of concentration (see below), while the remaining course must qualify for cross listing in 美国电子游戏正规平台. The courses listed on this website are merely a sample of offerings; in any given year there will be other courses offered by various departments that may qualify. You will need to have it approved by the director of 美国电子游戏正规平台.

请注意: Only one course that satisfies a core requirement can be counted for the minor; in addition, if the senior seminar for your final year is offered by your major department, 这可以算在你的辅修课上, 但也不适合你的专业.


到大三的时候, 最迟, you should start to select three courses from your total that can be clustered around a common theme, 你专注的领域. Usually it means choosing one or two courses you’ve already taken, 然后再加一到两首来集中主旋律. These are the most common themes, which conform to the program's strengths:

  • 种族和民族
  • 性别、性和文化
  • 城市文化
  • 社会与亚文化
  • 大众文化与传媒
  • 法律、政治和文化
  • 美国与世界

许多其他领域的集中是可能的. 如果你想追求一个不在上面列表上的, you'll need to have it approved by Professor 克里斯蒂娜•克莱因 or Assistant Director 劳伦Crockett-Girard.


美国电子游戏正规平台概论 (ENGL 2277) offers an introduction to topics, 方法, 在美国电子游戏正规平台领域的电子游戏正规平台方法. Although you can take ENGL 2277 any time before the senior seminar (it's not a prerequisite for taking other courses in the minor), 如果你正在考虑注册辅修课程, 那么我强烈建议你尽快参加考试. Some seats will be set aside for 美国电子游戏正规平台 minors; if you can't get into the course by registering online, 你可以得到教练的许可.


In your senior year, you must enroll in the course designated as the 美国电子游戏正规平台 Senior Seminar. 研讨会的主题, an interdisciplinary course housed in one of the major cooperating departments, 每年都有变化. 修完辅修课程必须修完这门课程.

ENGL 5513: Senior Seminar: Transnational 美国电子游戏正规平台: The US and Asia 

This seminar offers a deep dive into the transnational wing of 美国电子游戏正规平台. 而不是以美国的边界作为调查的界限, we will explore the cultural history of America’s relationship with the world beyond its borders – specifically Asia – from the 18th century to the present. Our focus will be on the relationship between the material conditions of American and Asian life (political, 军事, 经济, social) and the production of diverse forms of culture (household goods, 跳舞, 电影, 表演, 宣传, 等.). The seminar culminates in a substantial research paper about a cultural artifact of your choosing.

这所大学开设了独立的专业 for which 美国电子游戏正规平台 has, in the past, provided advisement. 通常你需要一个3.5 GPA; you plan a program of 12 courses, 其中十门必须是高年级课程, 分布不超过三个部门. Proposals must be submitted to the Dean’s Office before March 1 of the student’s sophomore year; the proposal will then be submitted to the university’s Educational Policy Committee for approval. Among the proposals approved by the Education Policy Committee in recent years are interdisciplinary independent majors in 美国电子游戏正规平台 concentrating in the study of 性别 and culture, 城市规划, 以及移民文化.

As the field of 美国电子游戏正规平台 grows more transnational and American culture grows ever more global in its reach and origins, international study becomes a more significant part of the discipline. We also provide advisement for study abroad at foreign universities with strong 美国电子游戏正规平台 programs. 了解更多信息, contact the Director of 美国电子游戏正规平台 and/or BC's 全球教育办公室.