

Congratulations on nearing the end of your doctoral work at 电子游戏软件. If you would like to schedule an optional Exit Interview please contact me at 坎迪斯.hetzner@yinghuiqibao.com. This is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and assist us in formulating objectives for future change.






  • 传统的标题页
  • 版权页
  • 摘要
  • 论文

If you have any questions about the format of your dissertation contact the Dean's Office, 艺术与科学电子游戏正规平台生院, Gasson 108, at 617-552-3268. 论文s not conforming to the minimum standards described here in may be returned to the candidate and the awarding of the degree delayed.



  1. To qualify for graduation you must deposit your completed dissertation with the University by the date indicated on the 大学校历.
  2. In order to graduate your graduation date must match your graduation date listed in Agora. If not, you must contact the Dean's Office at 617-552-3268 or gsasinfo@yinghuiqibao.com 纠正一下.
  3. Follow the 论文清单 to ensure you have completed all requirements.

All elements on the following checklist must be completed by the deadline for dissertation submission printed on the 大学校历. 

University-wide policy on dissertation submission requirements to be used across all doctoral programs at BC

Management of dissertations at 电子游戏软件 is online-only. The public dissemination of research fits with university social justice values supporting global access to scholarship. The University policy with regard to dissertations is as follows:

All final dissertations must be submitted and published online through ProQuest/UMI, 以及不列颠哥伦比亚省的开放获取机构知识库, 在大学规定的截止日期前完成.

The ProQuest ETD Administrator system is used for student submission, 学校行政审批, 以及图书馆管理的过程, 就像绝大多数卡内基一级学校一样. BC also supports an institutional repository (IR) as its system of record, in which we are legally obligated to preserve all dissertations, and where materials are made available Open Access online according to Creative Commons licensing of the student’s choosing. For both repositories, embargoes may be placed for up to two years. Embargoes can be extended up to five years with school 批准. Each system carries its own set of licenses, terms and options (e.g. ProQuest许可,BC IR许可.)

Exceptions to the requirement to submit digitally will be based on decisions made by individual schools or by the Provost. BC图书馆提供支持, 指令, 以及支持收集的基础设施, 批准, 描述, 安全, access and preservation of all 电子游戏软件 dissertations and theses.
