Full-time MSW Program

Our full-time, 为期两年的城市生活垃圾项目提供严格的课程, valuable field education opportunities, 通过选择专业和实践领域以及在一系列学科中攻读可选证书来定制学位的能力.

Support to Help You Succeed

Throughout the program, 您将受益于BCSSW的支持文化, 包括教授的指导和指导, advisors, staff, and alumni. 我们专业的就业服务人员帮助您探索有前途的机会, connect with potential employers, polish résumés, and more. 我们的年度活动包括招聘会、校友交流机会和模拟面试.  Even after you graduate, 你可以参加校友指导计划,将年轻的专业人士与经验丰富的社会工作者联系起来. 

Our Initiatives 

To have the greatest impact, it is crucial that our curriculum, field placements, 电子游戏正规平台要通过与他们要服务的人的合作来获得信息. 我们的计划鼓励学生对特定人群所面临的挑战有更细致的了解, so they can move us closer to solutions. Learn more about the Black Leadership Initiative, Latinx Leadership Initiative, and Trauma Integration Initiative. 


All students are able to choose their course of study (macro or clinical); one of six fields of practice; certificates that will help to build knowledge in subject-specific areas of social work; and two yearlong practicum experiences where coursework and experiential learning combine to support a well-rounded practitioner. With over 50 electives to choose from, 学生可以定制自己的课程计划, deepen their knowledge, 或者冒险进入一个新的、令人着迷的实践领域.


Foundation Year

In their first year, 所有临床和宏观城市固体废物学生都要参加八门基础和专业实践课程,这些课程提供了一个理论, practice, policy, 为更高级的课程打下电子游戏正规平台基础. 

除了你在课堂上的时间, 你还将在实地工作两天——通常是周一和周二——每周总共16个小时.

By the end of your first semester, 你将选择一个实践领域来进一步定制你的学位. 

Social Work class outside

Clinical Program

Macro Program

Advanced Year

In your second year, 你将完成与你的专业实践(临床或宏观)相关的课程。, field of practice, and certificate requirements.  


Social Work class outside

Clinical Program

Macro Program

2023-24 Two-Year Class Profile


Class size


Students who identify as AHANA*



Mean undergraduate GPA

Customize your MSW Degree


Practice Specialty

你将在临床和宏观之间做出选择. 临床项目教授学生如何整合循证干预. 宏观社会工作旨在影响社区大系统内的变化, organizational, and policy levels.

Specialized Practice Details

Fields of Practice

在专业实践中(临床或宏观), 你将通过选择一个实践领域来发展专业知识. 

Explore Fields of Practice


通过完成一个可选的证书来积累额外的知识和专业技能. 证书使学生有机会在社会工作的特定学科领域积累知识. 证书要求在选定的领域内完成三门指定课程. 

Explore Certificates


With over 50 electives to choose from, 学生可以定制自己的课程计划, deepen their knowledge, 或者冒险进入一个新的、令人着迷的实践领域.

Field Practicum


Learn about Field Education


To have the greatest impact, it is crucial that our curriculum, field placements, 电子游戏正规平台要通过与他们要服务的人的合作来获得信息. 我们的计划鼓励学生对特定人群所面临的挑战有更细致的了解, so they can move us closer to solutions. Learn more about the Black Leadership InitiativeLatinx Leadership Initiative, and Trauma Integration Initiative.

Student Groups

城市固体废物学生可以在BCSSW学生小组中找到社区, 包括社会工作者争取社会正义委员会, Social Work and Spirituality group, Umoja, Spectrum, and the Macro Social Work Student Group, among others.

Learn more about community groups

Ministry at BC

Jesuits look inward and turn outward, 透过事工和服务,将他们的反思转化为行动.  St. 依纳爵罗耀拉强调通过教育来改善世界, advocacy for the poor, 以及传教工作——为耶稣会致力于缩小贫富差距开创了先例, combatting hatred, 并帮助那些遭受痛苦或仍在遭受痛苦的人康复. 事奉是一种根植于信仰的服务,并以一种天职感为标志. 

Learn about campus ministry

Meet Our Students & Alumni

他们为当地和全球的社区服务, 通过关键工作维持积极的社会变革.

Connect with Us

Campus Tours & Virtual Visits

根据您的日程安排了解我们:亲自参观我们美丽的校园, take a virtual tour, or sign up for an admissions webinar. 电子游戏软件提供了丰富的资源——从图书馆和食堂到艺术博物馆和244,2000平方英尺的健身中心,距离波士顿市中心只有6英里. 

Visit Us

Admissions Guidance

BCSSW招生团队可以在整个申请过程中为学生提供支持. 我们为100%的学生提供奖学金而感到自豪. 加入我们的虚拟信息会议,了解更多信息或与招生团队的成员进行一对一的聊天. 

Tuition & Aid

Why Boston College School of Social Work?


Of students receive a scholarship


Faculty diversity




Weeks of average length of job search


Develop your skillset with an MSW degree. 

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