
Jesus Damian Baeza

Jesus Damian Baeza 主修英语和人类发展,希望成为一名高中辅导员. He has chosen this profession to help others fight, as he remarks, "the negative stigma of being a young, Latino male in high school." He has participated in the ALC Volunteer Corp Immersion Trip, where he helped raise $20,000 for the Mississippi Delta Region. He also volunteers as a B.C. Orientation Leader. 耶稣认为,“对于即将进入AHANA的新生来说,重要的是看到他们可能更能与领导角色联系起来的人.在马德里学习期间,耶稣在当地基督教青年会为摩洛哥儿童举办活动. In addition, Jesus is Head Captain of the dance troupe 'Fuego del Corazon,' where he notes, “成为一名会员最重要的方面之一是能够与不列颠哥伦比亚省社区分享我的一部分文化.Jesus也是OLAA拉丁裔学生招募工作的共同负责人,也是麦克奈尔学者.

1. What motivated you to apply for the Romero Scholarship?

我的动力来自于过去几年申请的朋友们的鼓励, many of which were finalists.  直到申请截止的前一个月我才想到申请.  I had attended the last two ceremonies in support of many of my friends, but I never thought to myself, "I'm going to apply for this scholarship.“我想我从来没有这样告诉过自己,因为我觉得自己不符合要求, 尤其是寻找拉丁裔社区学生的部分, addressing Latino issues.  我记得我第一次参加颁奖典礼时看到牛仔裤桑塔纳领奖.  我被他所取得的成就震惊了:癌症电子游戏正规平台, 他是国内和国际服务旅行的领导者,但仍然有时间担任不列颠哥伦比亚省全男性步队的主席.  I thought I could never compete with that.  在听到很多人说我应该申请后,我决定做一些关于奖学金的电子游戏正规平台.  Finally, after looking into exactly who Archbishop Oscar Romero was and what he stood for in El Salvador, in the Catholic Community and at Boston College, I felt like his values and teachings were the same principles my high school advocated; principals that had initially sparked my interest in education during high school.  很多时候,我们没有意识到我们在生活中所做的事情体现了一些最受尊敬的人的价值观, martyrs and saints.  The application process in itself was an unexpected rewarding experience.

2. 面试中最难忘的问题是什么?你是如何回答的?

The most memorable question from my interview was, "If you could sit down with Father Leahy, what recommendation would you make to him?“我的回答是,我觉得电子游戏软件与其他学校的联系很弱, especially with other Jesuit universities.  我相信我们可以从彼此身上学到很多东西,尤其是在学生层面上.  I would suggest to Fr. 莱希(Leahy)致力于促进这些联系,以便学生能够扩大这所学校经常鼓励的对话.  一种方法是让BC的学生在校园举办类似于会议的活动,来自不同学校和不同学生组织的学生可以聚集在一起,讨论他们所在机构的共同问题.  我们可以从彼此身上学到新的东西,谈论从多样性问题到学生健康生活的一系列话题.  这将是一种探索新的选择和解决我们大学的一些问题的方法.

3. How did you feel when you heard your name called as the award winner?

When I heard my name called it was like an explosion of emotions.  I do not remember the last time I cried, much less tears of joy.  I did not expect the moment to compel me the way that it did.  Unfortunately, 我的家太远了,我的家人都不能来参加婚礼, but the people at Boston College who I consider my family: Jane Crowley, Peter Folan, Gabe Verdaguer, all the members of my dance team, and my friends were the people who made this moment so special to me.  但在他们叫我的名字后,我一直在想我的母亲.  我越想她,就越说不出话来,因为我变得越来越情绪化.  As I stood at the podium preparing to give my speech, I could only think of how blessed I was to be receiving the award, and how much my mother sacrificed to get me to where I was at that moment.

4. 作为2010年的罗梅罗奖学金获得者,你觉得你最大的责任是什么?

As I mentioned in my speech, 我一直有一个强大的支持小组,他们不断地推动我做得更多.  正是这些人激励我为青少年社区服务,就像他们为我服务一样.  我必须继续敞开心扉,接受教育领域的新体验, whether that be through research, or volunteer placements, 或者只是回到我的高中,回答关于大学经历的问题.  我真的觉得我有责任与年轻人分享我在教育过程中获得的知识和智慧.  Furthermore, with the value of having the opportunity to receive a college degree and, at one of the top schools in the country, it is also important for me to serve as a role model, particularly for young male Latinos.  In high school, and even now, 当我看到和听到在美国取得成功的拉丁裔男女时,我就会有一种希望的感觉.S. who overcame the obstacles of being first-generation college students, who came from underprivileged neighborhoods, and whose parents received up to an elementary school education.  These are the kind of stories the youth in urban education can relate to, 他们将从这些故事中获得希望和动力,这将使他们在教育中脱颖而出.  Though, 唯一能让“有风险”的年轻人坚持这种希望的方法就是让更多的人看到他们所看到的东西, and have lived the lives they have lived serve as their political leaders, doctors, and educators.  当我成为一名城市高中生的教育者时,我希望成为这种希望的永恒象征.

5. What would you say to students who are thinking of applying for 2011-2012?

I would say, "You have done more for your community than you think you have."  The application truly is a process 也是让个人反思自己在过去三四年里所做的事情的一种方式.  I want to emphasize the word process 因为在你把名字写在申请表上之前,绝对有必要先调查一下奥斯卡·罗梅罗大主教是谁.  Ask yourself some questions:  Who is Archbishop Oscar Romero? 他代表什么,在社会正义的背景下他又象征着什么?  The next step is to think about what you (the applicant) believe in.  想想你为BC社区和/或大波士顿社区做了什么.  你在这些社区的活动如何在社会正义的背景下转化, and more specifically, how did it affect the Latino community?  I think this is a pretty good start for those thinking of applying, 特别是对于那些认为自己没有解决拉丁裔社区问题的人.  Don’t just think about applying, start the process!  更深入地电子游戏正规平台它,并与人交谈:奖学金的主席, Rossanna Contreras-Godfrey and Marcela V. Norton; the finalists, Vieira Vargas or Stephanie Gonzalez; or me!  我正计划为奥斯卡·罗梅罗大主教奖学金做一个介绍会,让学生们在秋季学期的某个时候有兴趣申请, so look out for that!