Perspectives 程序

远景计划是一个多年的核心计划,为那些想要对生活中经久不衰的问题给出综合答案的学生提供课程. 受耶稣会传统的启发,为专业和科学教育提供人文主义的环境, Perspectives courses seek to educate the whole person, 并帮助学生培养批判性思维和实际生活的技能. 

课程作业和要求是根据传统的语法文科来定制和评估的, Logic and Rhetoric: students will be expected to read closely, think critically, and write and speak clearly and persuasively.

展望计划目前提供核心课程,以满足核心哲学和另一个核心电子游戏正规平台领域:神学, arts and literature, social science or natural science.

这个项目的大多数学生都是来自各个学院的一年级学生,他们学习西方文化视角, the course that pairs philosophy and theology. 其他三个视角项目课程是现代主义和艺术(哲学), art and literature cores), 新社会科学视界(哲学社会科学核心), 新科学视野(哲学与自然科学核心). 

Perspectives Concentration

By taking more than one Perspectives course, 学生可以选择主修或辅修哲学. 修完三门观点课程的学生将达到辅修哲学的要求, as well as various core requirements. Students who complete four Perspective 课程, plus two philosophy elective courses, fulfill the requirements for a major in Philosophy. 

观点学院哲学专业的电子游戏软件资格是在大二结束的时候. A minimum GPA of 3.50 will be required for admission. 

对浓度要求有疑问的, 或展望计划中的其他机会和可能性, should contact Professor Kerry Cronin, Associate Director of Perspectives.

程序 Details


All Perspective 课程 are year-long

12 Credits

The program offers 12-credit courses that study core and foundational texts

25 Students

All sections are limited to 25 or fewer students. Class meetings often require small and large group discussions.

生活 & Learning Community

Interested in a more immersive experience? The Perspectives 生活 & 学习社区为一年级学生提供了参与与展望课程相关的专业编程的机会. We aim to create deeper relationships between students, 教师, and administrators, to develop a strong peer cohort.

Frequently Asked Questions

question match your criteria

Can I take only one semester of a Perspectives course?

No. Perspectives courses are designed to be year-long courses, and to earn core credits in literature, art and mathematics, you must complete both semesters of the course, preferably with the same professor. 然而, after consultation with the leadership of the program, it may be possible to take semesters out of order, or have a gap year between the parts of a course. 然而,在新科学愿景的情况下,学期必须按顺序进行. 中途被迫放弃课程的学生将被分配学分, 在与展望项目管理部门和相关部门协商后.

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Can Perspectives credits count as electives in other majors?

That decision rests with the department in question. 请直接向相关部门的本科学习主任(DUS)咨询。.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/哲学/ perspectives-faq / search-tags / can-perspectives-credits-count-as-electives-in-other-majors
Can sophomores take Perspectives on Western Culture?

In 2021-22, there will be one section of P1 open to sophomores (PHIL1090/THEO1090 28).

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How do I declare a Perspectives philosophy major?

联系 the Administrator of Undergraduate Studies in the Philosophy Department.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/哲学/ perspectives-faq / search-tags / how-do-i-declare-a-perspectives-philosophy-major
我用其他的核心课程来完成我的哲学和神学核心课程. Can I still take Perspectives courses?

Perspectives 程序 philosophy credits count towards a major or a minor in philosophy.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/哲学/ perspectives-faq / search-tags / i-fulfilled-my-philosophy-and-theology-core-with-other-core-courses
我已经用《电子游戏软件》完成了我的哲学核心. 其他观点课程的核心哲学学分怎么办?

Perspectives 程序 philosophy credits count towards a major or a minor in philosophy.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/哲学/ perspectives-faq / search-tags / i-have-already-fulfilled-my-philosophy-core-with-perspectives-on-western-culture
Perspectives courses are year-long, 12 credit courses. Is it possible to add another major or minor?

Most Perspectives majors have other majors or minors in other disciplines. This becomes difficult only with plans to study abroad, particularly for a full year, but usually we can work out an accommodation.

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What are the Perspectives 程序 courses?
  • Perspectives on Western Culture: 6 credits theology core, 6 credits philosophy core (First-year students; some sophomores) (PHIL 1090/THEO 1090)
  • Modernism and the Arts: 3 credits literature core, 3 credits arts core, 6 credits philosophy core (关闭d to first-year students) (UNAS 1104/1105)
  • Horizons of the New Social Sciences (6 credits social sciences core, six credits philosophy core (关闭d to first-year students) (UNAS 1109/1110)
  • New Scientific Visions: 6 credits natural science core (or 3 credits natural science, 3 credits mathematics core), 6 credits philosophy core. (关闭d to first-year students) (UNAS 1119/1120)
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What is the Perspectives 主要?

The Perspectives 主要 is a major track in the philosophy department. 观点项目的学生宣布主修哲学专业, which they complete, partially or in whole, by taking courses in the Perspectives 程序. 已完成3门课程的项目专业学生有资格获得高级顶点体验:高级研讨会, a senior essay, and a senior retreat (though these are not required).

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/哲学/ perspectives-faq / search-tags / what-is-the-perspectives-major
Why take more Perspectives 程序 courses?

You appreciate an integrated, 哲学方法来解决关于智力的持久问题, spiritual, and moral life. In the rest of the Perspectives 程序, we take the same, year-long, 12-credit approach with the social science, fine arts, literature, natural science and/or math core.

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有关展望计划的具体问题,请联系展望计划主任, Chris Constas.