History of Christianity

基督教历史(HC)区域电子游戏正规平台过去对教会信仰和实践的神学反思, especially in early and medieval Christianity. HC区域努力在其直接的历史背景(社会和文化)中欣赏这些神学表达, cultural, 制度),并在基督教传统的神学发展的更广泛的轨迹.

History of Christianity Faculty


Area Admissions Requirements

Students seeking admission to the Ph.D. 对基督教历史有电子游戏正规平台兴趣的课程应该发展语言技能和背景知识领域,这是电子游戏正规平台所必需的. 那些进入该领域课程的学生通常已经开始学习希腊语或拉丁语, 以及至少一种主要的现代电子游戏正规平台语言(如英语).g., German or French). In addition, 未来的学生需要完成硕士预科课程,如基督教历史和神学, Biblical studies, ancient philosophy, and classical civilization. 申请期间提交的写作样本应显示对学术方法的熟悉程度, theological argument, and the use of research languages.

Coursework Requirements

A total of 12 seminars are required. However, a total of 14 are suggested. Finally, a total of 16 are allowed. They are distributed as follows. 具体课程由学生协商确定, the student’s advisor, and the faculty of the historical period. 

  • Primary Period: 4 seminars.
  • Secondary Period: 3 seminars.
  • Tertiary Period: 2 seminars, 可接受的分配将由学生的指导老师在此期间与教师协商确定.
  • Minor: 3次研讨会,根据部门其他领域的次要要求.
  • Electives (up to 4 seminars), 包括神学与事工学院(STM)或波士顿神学跨宗教联盟(BTI)的教会历史调查。, as needed, language courses, or courses in other departments (e.g., Philosophy).
  • Historical Area Colloquium非学分领域的讨论会一般每学期举行3次. 所有学生都应出席.

Language Requirements

在参加综合考试之前,必须满足一个人在主要历史重点时期的语言要求. 阅读知识将被评估为“中级”或“高级”.设施将由笔试或经批准的课程作业决定. 部门考试展示的是“中级”知识. 区域管理的增强考试展示了“高级”知识. 

Requirements by historical focus:

  • Early Christianity: Greek (advanced), Latin (advanced), French and German (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.
  • Medieval Christianity: Latin (advanced), Greek (intermediate), French and German (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.
  • Reformation and Early Modern Christianity: Latin and two of the following, as needed for research: French, German, Italian, or Spanish (intermediate)
  • Modern Christianity: French and German (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.

Comps Requirements

  • 学生将被要求在考试前提交四篇电子游戏正规平台论文,其中三篇在学生的小学历史时代,第四篇在中学历史时代.
  • 学生将在所有四个学期中获得标准化的阅读清单. They will take written exams (2.5个小时)至少参加其中的三门考试,但可能参加第四门考试.
  • The minor exam will be set by the minor area.
  • An oral exam will cover all components.

History of Christianity Minor Requirements

  • 3个博士研讨会,在与历史领域的顾问协商后选择.
  • 综合考试:准备一个小学和一个中学阶段, based on set reading lists; and a third topic based on the student’s choice. 考试将包括这三个主题中的两个问题.

Resources for History of Christianity