Opportunities for 天主教的教育工作者

Catholic education has always been at the heart of the Church’s mission in the world, animated by educators who honor the dignity of each student. The Clough School of Theology and Ministry (CSTM) offers a range of flexible degree, 证书, and continuing education opportunities for Catholic school teachers and administrators.

Partnering with 天主教的教育工作者

Qualified Catholic school teachers and administrators receive at least a 50% tuition scholarship for our master's and 证书 programs. 

We work with Diocesan Catholic Schools offices to develop a course schedule that accommodates their educators' particular needs.

度 & 证书

我们提供三个硕士项目, six 18-credit 证书 programs, and several advanced degrees (including a Ph.D. (神学和教育). Below you'll find three of our most flexible programs for educators who want to pursue graduate studies while teaching.

混合米.A. 神学与事工

Earn your master's through our hybrid M.A. program, combining online courses during the academic year with on-campus summer courses.

M.A./M.Ed. 双学位

配对和M.A. in theology and ministry with an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, through a partnership with BC's 天主教城市教师团.

Certificate in Religious Education

Intended for educators and catechists looking to gain an introduction to religious education, benefitting from CSTM’s tradition of expertise in this area.


CSTM faculty are committed to the highest standards of teaching, 电子游戏正规平台, and service. Our Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry is known for their expertise in religious education, 电子游戏正规平台ing appropriate pedagogies for handing on the faith to students of different ages and backgrounds.



Our 继续教育 programs provide access to world-class theological and pastoral scholarship for those who seek to deepen their faith. Catholic educators will find a wealth of affordable professional development opportunities to support their teaching.

With a focus on shared reflection in an online learning community, Crossroads offers several non-credit courses related to Catholic education and faith renewal.

再来一个是免费的, curated collection of digital resources covering a range of topics, including several related to teaching. This archive includes podcasts and videos of our on-campus events.

Los cursos en español están orientados a la formación continua de todas las personas que quieran profundizar en su desarrollo humano, espiritual y teológico desde una perspectiva cristiana.


Our online offerings include a range of non-credit 证书 programs and remote courses. The cost is $30 for 3–4 week courses, or $60 for 5–6 week courses.
