

Black and white photo of a woman and children sitting on either side of a chainlink fence, 一个男孩在他的背上戴着一颗大卫之星

Lodz, Poland, Women and children on either side of a chain link fence in the ghetto. 版权所有. 经Yad Veshem许可使用.

电子游戏软件 in collaboration with the International Institute for Holocaust 电子游戏正规平台, 纪念馆, invites you to a three-day virtual seminar on remembering the experiences of women and children during the Holocaust. Each day consists of a lecture followed by small group conversation for further reflection. 在线资源也可以在整个研讨会中使用.

主题 & 学习目标


Sharon Kangisser Cohen, “Early and Later Holocaust Survivor Testimony”

口述, the context in which the telling takes place is central to understanding the construction of an individual’s story. In the case of survivors of the Holocaust the contexts include: the evolving cultural interpretations of the Holocaust, 幸存者在社会中的形象和角色, and the established tropes and narratives through which experience is communicated. This presentation is based on the testimonies of Holocaust survivors who told their stories to different collections over time, 包括:VHA, USHMM, 纪念馆, David Boder Interviews and The Central Jewish Historical Commission.



This lecture follows the lives of Jewish women in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp in the years 1942-1945. It focuses on the uniqueness of the female experience in this space, 关注诸如损失和生存斗争之类的话题, 月经和怀孕, 性剥削, 母女动力学, 女囚犯之间的关系, 妇女在集中营的地下运动, 解放, 以及所谓的“起死回生”.”


卡门·米. Mangion, “Inside the French Convent: Female Religious Life before the Second World War”

This lecture examines the everyday lives of women religious on the eve of the Second World War. How were religious sisters and nuns formed in their religious life? How did they live their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience? What were their relationships with those outside their religious community? 修道院内? And with figures of authority such as the mother superior or the bishop?

艾略特Nidam-Orvieto, “Letters to and from Parents of Children Hidden in Convents and Catholic Institutions in France during the Holocaust: What Do They Tell Us?”

在法国, 成千上万的犹太人, 其中很多是孩子, were helped and/or hidden by Catholic religious in their convents or in schools and charitable institutions operated by them during the Holocaust. This presentation concentrates on letters written by hidden children, 特别是那些来自图卢兹附近的马塞普修道院的人, 由圣母会修女会经营, 我们的夫人. This lecture explores  the children’s daily life experiences in this new religious setting.


  • 上午10:00-11:00网络研讨会演示
  • 11:00-11:45 AM分组讨论
  • 11:45 AM-12:00 PM重新召集和分享 




  • 上午10:00-11:00网络研讨会演示
  • 11:00-11:45 AM分组讨论
  • 11:45 AM-12:00 PM重新召集和分享





Sharon Kangisser Cohen

Sharon Kangisser Cohen is the editor-in-Chief of 纪念馆 Studies and the Director of the Eli and Diana Zborowski Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and its Aftermath and the Editor in Chief of 纪念馆 Studies at 纪念馆’s International Institute for Holocaust 电子游戏正规平台. Sharon was the former Director of the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People. 她有博士学位。.D. 从希伯来大学大屠杀电子游戏正规平台领域毕业. 除了, 她是耶路撒冷希伯来大学的讲师, 纽约大学, 新南威尔士大学, and Haifa University She has published numerous articles relating to the postwar lives of Holocaust survivors. She is currently the co-editor of the post-war diaries of child survivor Yehuda Bacon.


由Shik 获得Ph值.D. 来自特拉维夫大学. 她的专业领域是奥斯威辛-比克瑙的犹太妇女, 她的博士论文是在李启明教授的指导下完成的. Shulamit沃尔科夫. Dr. Shik has published articles on various topics related to the unique experience of Jewish women in the camps—daily life, 怀孕和分娩, 母女关系和回归生活. She has also published articles about the differences between testimonies and autobiographical literature published immediately after the war and those created at a later stage. Dr. Shik has been working at the International School for Holocaust Studies since 1999.

卡门·米. Mangion

卡门·米. Mangion’s research examines the cultural and social history of gender and religion in nineteenth and twentieth-century Britain. She is the author of Catholic nuns and sisters in a secular age, Britain 1945-1990 (2020) and Contested Identities: Catholic Women Religious in nineteenth-century England and Wales (2008) and numerous publications on gender and religion in Britain’s nineteenth-century medical marketplace. 她目前的电子游戏正规平台分为两部分, the first examines the decline of the lay sister category of religious life. 第二个, examines the gendered nature of the Catholic medical missionary movement of the early twentieth century in both Britain and Ireland. 她是历史系的高级讲师, 在伯克贝克古典和考古学, 伦敦大学.


艾略特·尼达姆·奥维多 is currently the Academic Foreign Affairs Coordinator and the Academic Assistant to the Head of the International Institute for Holocaust 电子游戏正规平台 at 纪念馆 (Israel).  他是博士。.D. candidate in History of the Jewish People at Tel Aviv University (Israel). The topic of his thesis is: “The Hiding of Jews by Roman Catholic Religious in their Convents and Institutions in France.” He holds a MA in Contemporary Jewish History with an emphasis on the Holocaust from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel). 他就是朱迪斯·B. 伯顿P. Resnick Invitational Scholar for the Study of Anti-Semitism Fellow at the Jack, 约瑟夫, and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies in 2018.



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