
在咨询中学习如何从内到外促进有目的的生活, Developmental, 和教育心理学系. Together, 这些项目的重点是推进心灵科学,改善儿童和成人的福祉, 在这个过程中激发积极的社会变革.



Program match your criteria

Applied Developmental & Educational Psychology, Ph.D.


  • Through seminars, 学生在当代和经典心理学理论和证据方面建立学术专长, 在不同的电子游戏正规平台方法的前沿培训.
  • Through close faculty mentorship, 学生进行的电子游戏正规平台有助于我们积累科学知识, 并帮助制定国家和国际实践和政策.  
  • Students develop pedagogical skills and teaching experience as teaching assistants to faculty and by teaching their own undergraduate courses. 
  • Graduates are prepared to lead the field at top colleges and universities, policy centers, government agencies, 以及世界各地的非政府组织.

Building the next generation of intellectual leaders in developmental and educational psychology who are pursuing research, teaching, 以及改善儿童生活的组织领导能力, families, and communities.

Professor Researcher Policy advisor 政府机构的专家和领导 非政府组织专家和领导人 University administrators
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Applied-Developmental-and-Educational-Psychology-PhD
Applied Psychology & Human Development, B.A.


  • Integrated field placement that helps students identify their purpose, 包括未来的职业和生活愿望.
  • Four focus areas: Human Services and Health Sciences; Organizational Studies and Human Capital; Policy, Advocacy, and Community Change; Science of Learning.

Learn how human development and psychology connect with health and the workplace to improve communities, schools, and families.

Research Assistant International Coordinator Business Associate Human Resources Coordinator Educator
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ applied-developmental-psych-ba


  • Flexible requirements so that students can customize their certificate.
  • Proximity to mental health agencies and other academic institutions in Boston offers significant opportunities to enhance your career.

Increase your capacity to support the mental health of children and families as a counselor or educator. 

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Certificate-in-Child-and-Family-Mental-Health
Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.


  • Access to a breadth of top-notch practice opportunities in diverse mental health settings, including universities, schools, hospitals, 以及门诊社区精神卫生设施.
  • All students have opportunities to advocate for social justice through their research, clinical work, teaching, and outreach.
  • Training begins right away with the unique First Year Experience program and continues through the Advanced Practicum.




Become part of the next generation of counseling psychologists who are poised to make critical advances that expand beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries and clinical settings.

Psychologist Professor Researcher
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ counseling-psych-phd


  • Complete a three-course certificate in Early Childhood Policy and Leadership, including courses in the science of early childhood development; program and policy development and evaluation; and leadership, advocacy, and partnerships.
  • Participate in monthly seminars, 针对儿童早期电子游戏正规平台的关键问题, practice, policy, advocacy, 在三个学期的课程中,我获得了领导力. 
  • Complete a three-month, 在一家当地公司做带薪暑期实习, national, 或者在国际环境中巩固政策制定和分析的技能, leadership, advocacy, 或者电子游戏正规平台幼儿领域的翻译.
  • Translate learning from the internship and certificate courses by completing a capstone project, such as a policy brief, academic paper, or policy analysis.


Develop a deep understanding of the science of early childhood development and the policies and systems that intersect with young children and their families.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /部门/ elhe
Human Rights & 国际司法证书


  • Housed within the Center for Human Rights and International Justice.
  • The Center’s Interdisciplinary Seminar in Human Rights and International Justice forms the foundation of the certificate program. 



Learn to think critically within and across disciplines to better understand contemporary human rights challenges and offer thoughtful, effective responses.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Human-Rights-and-International-Justice-Certificate
Mental Health Counseling, M.A.


  • Students develop strong counseling skills, 从事反思学术电子游戏正规平台, 并掌握科学的最佳实践.
  • Year-long practicum in community health centers, schools, hospitals, or treatment programs.
  • Options for Massachusetts Licensure (60 credits) or Non-Licensure (48 credits) program track.

Prepare to serve the mental health needs of individuals, groups, communities, 以及跨背景和文化的系统, 促进和倡导社会变革.

持牌心理健康顾问 电子游戏正规平台健康科学专家 In-home Family Therapist Substance Abuse Clinician Psychologist
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Arts-MA-in-Mental-Health-Counseling
Mental Health Counseling, M.A. & Theology & Ministry, M.A.


  • Dual degree students will complete the curriculum in the Master of Arts (M.A)心理健康咨询和文学硕士(M).A.) in Theology and Ministry. 
  • Graduates will bring the strength of solid counseling skills and exposure to spiritual direction work to their positions.


Combine strong counseling skills and exposure to spiritual direction in this dual degree that explores the pastoral dimensions of caregiving.

Pastor Head of Campus Ministry School Counselor Mental Health Counselor
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ counseling-psych-dual-degree


  • Designed to benefit early- and mid-career youth development leaders. 
  • Students can take advantage of a practicum course to gain hands-on experience.


Learn about and utilize the Positive Youth Development model to support youth in diverse communities.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Positive-Youth-Development-Certificate
School Counseling, M.A.


  • Program promotes a “whole child” approach to counseling where graduates consider both the in-school and out-of-school factors that impact students.
  • Our 48-credit track meets current Massachusetts requirements for initial licensure.

Become an advocate who utilizes evidence-based practices to promote positive development for all children and adolescents.

小学辅导顾问 中学辅导员 High School Guidance Counselor College Admissions College Counseling
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ School-Counseling-MA


  • Working with individuals or groups of children, adolescents, or adults with histories of trauma
  • Courses provide students with opportunities to consider the application of trauma studies to their professional work

Designed for professionals who would like to broaden and deepen their understanding of the concept of psychological trauma, its history as a field, 创伤对个人和社会福祉的影响, 以及有效的干预反应. 


我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和活跃的导师-备受赞誉的学者, teachers, 和从业者致力于培养学生的职业生涯在人类服务, counseling, research, education, advocacy, and policy.


Retired Faculty

Program Coordinators




实习和实习使电子游戏正规平台生在社区卫生中心帮助人们的同时获得经验, schools, hospitals, and treatment programs.

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