
Located on 电子游戏软件’s main campus in Chestnut Hill—six miles from downtown Boston and easily accessible via public transit—电子游戏软件's 林奇学校 of Education and Human Development offers rich opportunity to improve the human condition through education and applied psychology.

(617) 552-4200



A world-class research university, 电子游戏软件 offers a wealth of resources—from libraries and dining halls to an art museum and 244,000-square-foot fitness center—just six miles from downtown Boston. The 林奇学校 boasts the best of both worlds: proximity to a large city and the intimacy of a beautiful college campus. The Boston area is an ideal launchpad for educators and counselors who are beginning their careers with a desire to make a meaningful impact. 


剪秋罗属植物大厅 is 首页 to the 林奇学校 of Education and Human Development. 访问 us on campus to meet with the undergraduate or grad admissions offices, 与教员联系, and see a classroom in action. You can also check out our Educational Resource Center, a dedicated library that is open to undergraduate and graduate students, our Graduate Student Lounge, and other classroom and meeting spaces. 


Ready to make an impact on your community? 

Develop your skills with a degree from the 林奇学校 of Education and Human Development.
