

Executive Director of City Connects and Senior Fellow of the Mary E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children



CDEP 咨询、发展 & 教育心理学


  • 波拉克,C.Theodorakakis, M., & 沃尔什米. E. (2021). Leveraging integrated student support to identify and address COVID-19-related needs for students, 家庭, 和老师. AERA开放. 7(1), 1-18. http://doi.org/10.1177/23328584211058473
  • 波拉克,C.劳森,J.拉切克,A.E.迪林,E.沃尔什,M。.考夫曼,G. (2020).  Long-term effects of integrated student support:  An evaluation of an elementary school intervention on postsecondary enrollment and completion. EdArXiv. http://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/byadw
  • Heberle,.E.Ni Sheanain,美国.沃尔什,M。.E.汉密尔顿,A.N.钟,.H.埃尔斯·卢塔斯,V. (2020). Experiences of practitioners implementing comprehensive student support in high-poverty schools.  Improving Schools, 23, 1-18. http://doi.org/10.1177/1365480220943761
  • 沃尔什米.E.亚当斯,S。.M.密苏里州弗格森.赫斯特,M.O.琼斯,J.,墙壁,S.Petsagourakis博士.钟,A.美国香农.Theodorakakis, M. (2020). Inquiry in action: Reflections on the implementation of best practices in child and family focused university-community partnerships. 教育杂志. http://doi.org/10.1177/0022057420903255
  • 沃尔什米.E.汉密尔顿,A., & Tran,问. (2019). Role of the university in building schools for the whole child. 在R. F. 克罗尼克(Ed.), Emerging perspectives on community schools and the engaged university (pp.40- 61). IGI全球. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-0280-8
  • Lee-St. 约翰,T. J.沃尔什,M。. E.拉切克,A. E.维勒米耶,C. E.佛利,C.Heberle,.西布里,E., & 迪林高产,E. (2018). The long-term impact of systemic student support in elementary school: Reducing high school dropout. AERA公开赛,4(4),1-16. http://doi.org/10.1177/2332858418799085
  • 沃尔什米. E.Theodorakakis, M. D. (2017). The impact of economic inequality on children’s development and achievement. 宗教,8(4),67. http://doi.org/10.3390/rel8040067
  • 一个C.布劳恩,H. & 沃尔什米. (2017). Examining estimates of intervention effectiveness using sensitivity analysis. 教育al Measurement: Issues and Practice, 37(2), 45-53. http://doi.org/10.1111/emip.12176
  • Sibley E.Theodorakakis, M.沃尔什,M。.佛利,C.皮特里,J. & Raczek,. (2017). The impact of comprehensive student support on teachers: Knowledge of the whole child, 课堂实践, 和教师支持. Teaching and Teacher 教育, 65, 145-156. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.02.012
  • 沃尔什米.E.Theodorakakis, M.D.贝克,S. (2016). Redesigning a Core Function of Schools:  A Systematic, Evidence-Based Approach to Student Support.  在H.A. 劳森 & D. 范·维恩主编.), Developing 社区 Schools, 社区 Learning 中心, Extended-service Schools and Multi-service Schools: International Exemplars for Practice, 政策, 及电子游戏正规平台(pp. 127-147). The Hague, NL: Springer International.
  • 迪林高产,E.沃尔什,M。.西布里,E., Lee-St. 约翰,T.拉切克,A., & 福利,C. (2016) Can community and school-based supports improve the achievement of first-generation immigrant children attending high-poverty schools?  Child Development, 87 (3), 883-897.
  • 沃尔什米.E.Madaus, G.F.拉切克,A.E.迪林,E.佛利,C., a, C., Lee-St. 约翰,T.J., & Beaton,. (2014). A new model for student support in high-poverty urban elementary schools:  Effects on elementary and middle school academic outcomes.  American 教育al 电子游戏正规平台 Journal, 51(4), 704-737.

  • 沃尔什米. E., & 墨菲,J. (2003). Children, 健康, and learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • 鲍比达米. M., & 沃尔什米. E. (2003). Meeting at the hyphen: Schools, universities-communities-professions in collaboration for student achievement and well being. 第102届年鉴第二部分.  Chicago: National Society for the Study of 教育.
  • 沃尔什米. E. (1992). Moving to nowhere: Children’s stories of 首页lessness. 赤褐色的房子.